Dead Like Me (spoilers?)

Haven’t seen a thread on this, and the first season is coming to a close on Sky One here in the UK, and I really like it and wondered what everyone thought.

For those who don’t know, it’s about a girl who dies accidentally in the first episode when a toilet seat falls on her head (in a kind of funny, kind of tragic kind of way) and for some as-yet unexplained reason becomes a Reaper and gets to take the souls of those about to die.

Basically I think it’s beautifully written and performed, and although the plots can be a tiny bit too Ally McBeal at times (eccentric characters meet more eccentric characters, learn something VERY IMPORTANT, there’s a massive voiceover) it’s sometimes very subtle and clever. I loved the bit with the two gay guys in a recent episode and the story arc of the slow disintegration of Georgia’s family. It reminded me a bit of The Lovely Bones only a lot less sappy.

I’ve heard it’s going for a second season – is that right? Any over-the-ponders seen it?

Yes, it’s getting a second season; filming begins next month. I seem to recall that the series has aired on Sky One in the UK, so some of us transponders have seen it. Legally. As opposed to downloading every ep in order, like I did. (Note to any Showtime reps reading: take this as incentive to put good extras on the DVD box, because I will buy it if you do.)

I really like that show – Mandy Patinkin is great, as always, and it was a long time before I even recognized Jasmine Guy.

Aww crap,
From the title I thought that the second season had started. Great show, I don’t really know why, but it was the only reason I kept Showtime for so long. I just hope it doesn’t go downhill.

What’s Showtime? Is it a lesser-known cable channel? I was wondering that, actually – because I haven’t heard much about the show from US people, I thought it wasn’t so popular, and then I wondered why it hadn’t been pulled if it had been on Fox or something.

What’s that about the Jasmine guy?

He’s that guy who looks like an attractive black woman.
Anyhoo, I find the show a little repetitive, myself, with all that talking about death and whatnot.

As I said in an earlier thread, the show is not about death at all. It’s a fable pointed at many things in everyday life. Think of it as more Dilbert than Six feet under.

And Showtime is like HBO, but not as successful, I think. Their webpage can’t be accessed from outside the US. If you try, then it feels your IP-number and re-directs you:

There are ways around that, but I don’t know if it’s legal.

Oh, I know what you mean. It’s about the ordinary detritus of existence, but seem by someone who can look at it from a completely new perspective, and realise the importance of connecting with other people, yadda yah. But I do like the supernatural element, the mysterious post-it notes, finding out how the Reapers died (we still don’t know what happened to Rube, do we?). And now everytime I see anyone carrying a yellow post-it, I start thinking ‘eek! Someone’s going to kick the bucket!’ I don’t know whether that’s good publicity or not.

Yeah Gaspode, I don’t know why showtime does that, it drives me crazy. I wanted to access their message board about the show Jeremiah and it would’nt let me in.

Back to the OP. I didn’t like her at first, but Georgina is growing on me. Great show.