I saw it today. I really liked the first movie. Sure, it was slight in terms of story, but it had a good rhythm and made me laugh my ass off. I had similar expectations for this film, but it felt it wasn’t nearly as funny and there are several BIG problems with the story that no one seems to be noticing.
The good.
• I really liked the Domino character, and Zazie Beetz is extremely good and, holyyy sheeet, HOT AF. You know, I would rather just have seen a rom-com or something with her in it than this. Or a Domino movie that was well-written, but superhero movies are apparently hard to write. I haven’t seen one with a satisfying story for a long time.
• Negasonic and her new girlfriend are cool. Totally unused, but cool.
• Some funny lines, I guess. That’s about it.
The bad.
• None of the action setpieces really did it for me. I don’t really think the direction was actually, you know, good. You know how sometimes you see footage of the movie being made and how, if it’s not the actual footage from the movie, it looks ridiculous? You know actors on wires, green screens, fake lighting… Chunks of the movie looked like that to me. Example. The scene with the kid outside with fire burning in trenches and police tape up, etc. Just looked like a totally fake set, not even trying level.
• In terms of action setpieces, it makes zero sense that this convoy of mutants is being transported right through the heart of a big city. Where da fuq are they going, to the county jail? They’re being transported from an icy wilderness in the first place! Oh, and why are they being transported?!
• Let me get this straight. There is a torturer/child abuser/something bad at work with tons of evil nurses or something at the X mansion with Professor X and the X-men right there, not stopping it?! Did I get something wrong about this? Are those two different places? If it’s supposed to be two different places, it sure isn’t visually clear at all.
• The kid is annoying. Not sympathetic.
• To me, Cabal doesn’t really work. Not terrible. Not really all that interesting, either. Not like, “Wow, badass!” The dials on his gun also look like spare parts from Radio Shack, not future tech. Dunno, he ended up feeling rather superfluous, even though he’s supposed to be a main attraction of the film. Domino was 10x more interesting.
• OK, so the plot/message is to save the kid from being evil by preventing him from taking out this guy who is shown to be evil–while at the same time icing a bunch of mooks in white who are involved in the same abuse? Come again? Deadpool even shoots one of the mooks in the head, instantly, based on what the kid tells him when the kid is distressed and blowing shit up outside the orphanage. And Deadpool is about to kill the guy the kid wants to kill and later prevents from him from killing but is stopped by Colossus. What? None of this makes any sense in terms of said plot/message and it’s neither interesting nor compelling.
• The Juggernaut’s inclusion and the battle involving him are kinda just totally crap.
Yeah, basically it joins the bulging ranks of superhero movies with a shit story. I don’t get the enthusiasm, really.