You moron. Three out of five of us are losing our jobs. It has been well known that I will be keeping my position. I can understand that the other three are probably not happy with us two that are staying as it is. So what do you do when you find out I’m staying? “Hey, what’s the good news?”, all out loud n’ shit. He says this is very sarcastic voice. Then he goes on to say, “looks like somebody’s taking over, watch out!” And he says all of this right in front of one of the guys that is losing their jobs. I cannot really say that I’m suprised by this asshole saying these things. He’s always tryin’ to fuck with me because I do my job well and take it seriouslly, and he’s always sure to take note of that, probably because he’s a lazy ass mo’ fo’ looking for attention. But how could you lower yourself to rub it in the faces of people who are losing their jobs? Motherfucker I am not happy about anyone losing their job. Yes, I am glad that I am lucky enough to stay, but I do not want to see anyone go. The only head I wanna see cut is your bitch ass through a meat slicer. Fucker. No talent havin’ ass, s#@^&. Bitch. See if you ever get help from me, ever!
Oookaayyy. Time for lunch.