Dear customer: I don't think we do that here

Dude, it ain’t cool to pee on a lamb.

Yeah, but if one gets hurt in a road-paving accident, then you’ve really got something.

This is utterly insane.


What’s wrong? You don’t sell saps?

That was mutton, just ewe wait…

Of course it isn’t. Any fuller worth his salt knows that you have to let the urine go stale and decompose into something more ammoniac before it’s of any use to treat wool.

But how, exactly, does one sheep asap? ponders deeply

In WOW, you use polymorph. But they get better…

So … how you doin’?


Oh, sorry. My baaaaaad.

But only temporarily, if you know what you’re doing…

Sheeping the ogre…you spank it, you tank it…

Sap left, sheep right. Go for the boss first.

MAGE!!! Resheeping.

Well, it looks a whole lot like the wheelbarrow race from summer camp.

Well, you need the sheep, of course…and two pairs of high heels. :smiley:

Good grief, don’t you people have anything better to do? Sitting around making a bunch of sutpid puns at the expense of one guy who accidentally mistyped one word? One person starts it and then all the rest of you are compelled to follow along; think for yourselves, why don’t you!

Stupid herd mentality.


Hey, who are you calling sutpid?
Oh, and I veal your pain.

Originally Posted by ShibbOleth – “Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous”

Would you believe Kenya? Wonder if the condoms Joshua used were lambskin…

Oh, yeah? Well, flock you, too!

What did one shepard say to the other shepard?
Let’s get the flock out of here.