Dear Transitionality...

Please remove your head from your ass so that you can get some oxygen to your brain, honey.

Your assholish comments in this thread, particularly these:

which were directed at Nocturne were very rude and totally uncalled for. You’re making sweeping generalizations all over that thread that are insulting to both men and women, and you need to stop. It is old, it is tired, and it is stupid. We frown on stupid things around here.

Come on, really? I do not want this to become another “fat thread.” However, that last paragraph is just fucking ridiculous.

Testify. I was especially insulted by transitionality’s assertion that any guy would drop his girlfriend in a heartbeat to go off and jump Halle Berry or Monica Belucci given half the chance. I think that says a lot about what you would do in that situation, mate, but please don’t tar the rest of us men with the same brush. Not everybody is so superficial.

And for the record, I think Nocturne is hot.

I remember reading that line, DarkJudicator, and laughing heartily. It dawned on me, though, transitionality is probably no older than his early twenties.

I had some pretty fucked up ideals when I was a teenager so I cut the dude some slack. Live and learn.

On the off chance he’s older, than he’s to be pitied, not pitted.

Oh no!! I’m overweight, so transitionality doesn’t think I’m hot. Boo fucking hoo.

For the record I’m like to state that IMHO Nocturne is hot. transitionality not everyone thinks like you so stop trying to speak for all malekind.

Waitaminute. Telling someone that “most guys” don’t find them attractive isn’t an ad hominem attack? I think that Nocturne was quite tolerant of your blatant attempts at provocation.

Okay, you just singlehandedly called all women superficial gold-diggers, and all men just plain superficial. What, you weren’t getting enough bites on the personal insults, so you decided to go wholesale?

I’ve seen this tactic countless times before. You (the generic you) come to some new feeding ground, throw out some controversial assertions until you see some person who takes them to heart, then you hound and insult that person and cry foul when they break the “rules” that you yourself don’t acknowledge. Anybody who’s been on usenet has seen this kind of thing.

I don’t take part in Pit roasts in general, so I won’t stoop to telling you what I think of you, transitionality. But I think there’s a good case for everyone here starving hint you of any argument.

JuanitaTech: I’m in my early twenties. I don’t deign to speak for all of maledom about what is The Definition Of Attractive, or compare loving an overweight woman with fecal fetishes. I don’t think cutting someone slack on these kinds of beliefs is the way to change them. Then again, I don’t think any amount of rational discussion would change the minds of the individual(s) discussed here.

I don’t take offense at his comments about What All Men And Women Think because they’re just laughable. Anyone who’s been in a loving relationship knows he’s talking out of his arse, and to tell you the truth I feel sorry for the guy. He sounds very bitter while the overweight people he looks down on are happy living their lives. I don’t mean this in a catty way, but I really do find it a little pathetic.

Judging by Nocturne’s phot, she’s significantly better than attractive, she’s a knock-out! I’m thinking **Transitionality[/b must be blind as well as shallow.

I don’t think anyone can say what “most guys” like because in my experience “most guys” are attracted to diferent standards of beuty. Some men might want to shag Halle Berry, while others might not want to because they’re not into black women, or they like slimmer women, or they like younger women, or they like women with more meat on their bones and so on.

Moreover, any relationship that’s worth haviong has to transcend the physical. Sure, you’re not going to be with someone who doesn;t give you a hard-on, but that is no basis fopr a relationship. Sex with even the hottest woman on the planet has to end sometime, and then you have to talk. Unless you’re willing to risk friction burns, you gotta get out of bed sometime, and then you’re going to need common interests, a sense of humor, someone who makes you see the world from a different perspective. Besides, even Monica Bellucci will age and lose her beuty–will Transitionality dump her when he will be no prize bull himself by that time?

It seems to me that “men” ** such as Tranitionality are interested in women solely as masturbation devices.

I don’t honestly feel sorry for him. My feelings aren’t hurt, by any stretch of the imagination, but I do feel that making such generalizations about all men and women warrant a few words. Making sweeping generalizations is frowned upon here, and I DO think it is well… fucking dumb to compare being attracted to a large/fat/obese/BBW/curvy/voluptuous woman with scat fetishes is not only extreme, but quite insulting to numerous men and women.

I’m not bothered by people who don’t find fat people attractive, or people who don’t find thin people attractive, or people who don’t find cabbage attractive. But I don’t appreciate someone telling me what everyone ELSE thinks IS OR ISN’T attractive.

Thanks those of you who are saying I’m hot. It means a lot to me.

And thank you, Jessity, for being indignant enough on my behalf (and the behalf of other women) to call out someone for rude behavior.

transitionality, if you read this, let me say: I don’t care who you’re attracted to. That’s wonderful, whoever it is. It doesn’t bother me if you like thin girls, or big-breasted girls, or whatever.

What has bothered me about your behavior is that you have refused to acknowledge that not everyone finds attractive what you find attractive, and accusing my boyfriend of being a liar since he finds me attractive. (Did you see his post in that thread? He’s Reinhold Messner.)

I also don’t like the love of so-called “fat” women like me (since when is a size 12 fat, honestly? I guess it’s all perception) being compared to scat fetish. THERE IS NO CONNECTION, NUMBNUTS. Men who like non-skinny girls are not “freaks” or “disgusting.” They are just as normal (and thankfully, just as plentiful, in my life) as guys who like skinny girls.

Honestly, I’ve been very very nice to someone who’s called me unattractive and made all sorts of accusations about my character, about other women’s character, and about my boyfriend’s attractions, without knowing one fucking thing about any of it. Yet you decide to get all huffy when I hint that maybe your head is up your ass.

Well, no more hinting. Your head is so far up your ass that I don’t think dislodging it will come easily. I don’t know what your dating life is like and I am not going to presume too much on scanty evidence, but I can say that your attitude towards women, whatever body size, just plain sucks, and that sir, makes you more unattractive than any amount of fat I can gain will make me.

I dun wanna know what that makes me, Noc’s ex and engaged to a “fat girl”. Am I a liar? Owner of a latent scat fetish (if so, it’s news to me)?

Or, alternately, is it possible that transitionality is incorrect?

Decisions … decisions.

Oooh, oooh, I wanna know! transitionality, arbiter of attractiveness, tell me: am I hot?

For the record: Nocturne could turn on a dead man, and fizzestothetop is not a “fat girl” by any stretch of the imagination. “Hot as balls” would be a better characterization.

Now I’m dying to see a picture of the accuser so that I can treat her like garbage. Or maybe I’ll just do it anyway.

Or him, rather. Treat HIM like garbage.

Nocturne, I’ve never seen a picture of you, but if you exhibit the same attitude in real life as you do here, I’d probably find you hot, too:D.

And that’s what it boils down to, Transitionality. Attitude. Guess what? I hover between a size 10-12. I am not skinny, but I am healthy. I eat right and I’m trying to get back down to a size 6 because I’m comfortable at that size - I’m a small-boned and short girl, so that’s the right weight for me. If I never get there - so the fuck what? I like how I am right now, too. And I am hot to some people. You know how I know this? The guys at work who turn around to watch me walk down the hall. My boyfriend, when we’re together - he may not give a shit what size I am and he loves me as I am, but he sure as hell appreciates it when I put on black lace for him. My best friend who saw me coming one day and didn’t recognize me because I looked so much different than I used to look - and told me that the first thing that came to his mind when he saw me and had no idea who I was was “That girl’s really hot!”.

Yeah, I’m probably not hot to a lot of guys. I don’t care. I don’t need to be. And like nocturne and more than likely, a lot of other women on this board, we know when we are and that’s when it counts. So fuck you and your warped view of women’s bodies. Luckily, most women know what counts when it comes to men, too. Something tells me you wouldn’t count to most women.


Nocturne is the one with Yahoo pictures of her on the grass and with the guitar etc right? (sorry, I’m not trying to be lazy, I’m just stuck on a dialup account for the nonce, in a far north Alaskan town with SLLOOOOOOW service).

If that’s her, I’m jealous, I don’t care WHAT she weighs, she’s a gorgeous young woman.

Transitionality, I’d rake you over the coals, but Nocturne did it in a far more eloquent manner than I could ever.

So, I’ll just rely on an old standby:

Fuck you, and for Og’s sake, get off this board.

Based on the post in the following thread, transitionboy isn’t even out of short pants yet.

CanvasShoes, I believe that’s AntaresJB’s pics in the grass, with a guitar, etc.

And yes, she is quite gorgeous and has a spunky attitude to boot, which, like avabeth said, is very important.

For your reference, I have a pic on the Stunning Sodomites of the SDMB page, and a recent picture here as well:

That one one of my friends artsy-ed up for me. Unfortunately the pic’s too dark to see the red hair, but ah well.

Wow, and LMAO@ transiboy. What a child.