Deer! Deer! Shit!

Sorry about your car.
I hit two at once a few years back.
Split 'em like a 7-10.
Couldn’t open either door on the car cause both fenders were pushed into the doors. Had to crawl out through the window. Only one of the deer croaked, the other got away, prolly with great injury though.
Thankgod for insurance! Got a new paint job out of it on a rather old car.

I hit a Yugo once… they’re about the same size as a Rabbit, right? :slight_smile:

Yeah, normally. One of the docs at our medical center hit one in 1999 and did make it, although it was touch and go for quite awhile. I seem to remember he was in a sporty car so maybe it fit under the moose well enough to injure him horribly but not kill him?? I remember him shown very feeble in a wheelchair. I can’t find any info on what he’s up to now; it doesn’t look like he is back practicing in this area.

It might amaze some people, but there are deer near San Francisco as well.

This morning, we saw two young ex-bucks (2 or 3 points) on the shoulder about a hundred yards apart.

How fast do you generally need to be going to kill a deer with a car anyway? The posted speed limit on that road is 35, and I’d wager that’s plenty fast to give the animal enough blunt trauma that it won’t be long for the world, if not killed immediately.

I play in a fall softball league, and we play night games under lights in a large park here in Baltimore (Druid Hill Park, for those who know the city).

For the last few weeks we’ve had deer grazing on the outfield while we play, just beyond the spill of the lights.

More or less the same, yes.

I’ve run over quite a few Polo’s as well, little fartin’ things they are.

Thank heavens I’ve never hit a deer or a moose. My most popular target appears to be squirrel. Two have died beneath the wheels of my couple.

Worst part was that on the second one, I had the daughter of one of my close friends with me, and she was at just that tender age that squirrels are still cute, fluffy, sparkly eyed friends that will share acorns with you if you ask politely. Squirrel darted out, and there was too much traffic for me to swerve or break hard.

“Aunt phouka! Squirrel!”


Thankfully, it wasn’t loud. I just felt it through the steering wheel.

“Is he okay, Aunt phouka?”

I check my rear view mirror. Mr. Squirrel is decidedly not okay. His upper half has been squashed, and his lower half is flailing about in the throes of messy death.

“Uh…yeah, baby. He made it to the other side. Probably just real scared. But he found his friends and they just ran off. Maybe they’re going to a party.”

Yeah, a party in squirrel Valhalla.

So glad I turned off that street at the next intersection.

For those unfamiliar with my inimitable style:

couple = coupe

break = brake

Pepper Mill hit a deer and literally knocked it into the next town (she was practically on the town line when she hit it). After assessing the situation, the policeman who came asked her what she was going to do with the meat. She let him take it.

I grew up in an area of West Virginia that had a lot of deer. When you see a deer, SLOW DOWN! You’re not going to hit the one that you see. It’s going to stare at you until the last moment, then it’s going to take off. It’s buddy, who was behind the tree so you couldn’t see it, is going to follow him, so just when you think you are safe, WHAMMO.

I’ve never hit a deer. I know someone who back in the 70’s got a brand new cadillac and was showing it off by racing down some country road. He hit a deer and totalled the car. The car was less than a week old.

I went to college with a woman that didn’t show up to class one day because she hit a deer. She didn’t show up again a few days later. She had hit a deer with the rental car. She finally got her car back from the shop, and hit another deer two weeks later.

I’m very lucky I’ve never hit a deer. But when I was a claims adjuster in Madison WI inspecting deer collisions were a daily thing for me in the spring and fall. One stands out though. A 19-year-old kid took dad’s pride a joy, a brand new Corvette, out for a joy ride one evening. He picks up a buddy and the two of them ride around for a few hours. Two blocks from home they hit a deer. This would be bad enough but these kids must have had some extra bad karma coming.

When they hit the deer it rolled over on to the fiberglass hood, which snapped in half on the engine block. The hood acted like a giant serrated knife and cut the deer nearly in half. The halves then broke the windshield spraying their contents into the car. The majority of the carcass then rolled over the roof. I could tell where the kids were sitting because there profiles were outlined in deer innards. Both escaped with only minor injuries. Even junior didn’t get it to bad from dad. He apparently came in the back door covered in blood and guts and said something to the effect of “Dad I took the car and there was an accident”.


I’m glad your hubby is not injured. I just popped in to say how cute I think it is that you said “Down the road a piece.” My great grandma used to say it all the time. Adorable.

So, when do we get some venison jerky?

About a year ago, my friend and I were out visiting a friend in a rural area. We were on the way to his car and he asks if I wanted to drive home. His car just happens to be a 1970 GTO. So, of course I’ll drive.

And of course, I hit a deer.

Wasn’t too terrible though. He was in a bush to the right as we passed him, and then he just sprinted beside the car and then tried to go infront. I slam on the brakes and the car goes \ . Problem is, the car is going faster than the deer, so I sideswipe him. Just a nice little love tap, but still enough to knock him down. We stop, he gets up again and runs off into the forrest.

We get out and inspect the damage, not even a dent.

He even lets me drive it the rest of the way.

What IS it with people hitting deer and wanting to take them home? Yes, I know they’re made of meat and as such, are largely edible, but still…

I heard of one fellow in Connecticut that hit a deer and drags the carcass into his trunk and heads home. Unfortunately, it was a nice car but was no longer nice as the front end was mashed, the trunk stank of blood and musk, and the interior was trashed as well as he got covered in blood and guts dragging the deer to the trunk and got it all over the seats.

His insurance covered repairing the front of the car, but said “You’re on your own now!” and did nothing for the blood and guts in the seats and trunk since he took what started as an accident and did further damage with “willful acts.”

Moral of the story? Unless you’ve got a pickup truck that you can hose out later, don’t take the dead deer home.

That is a friend.

They’re about as effective at warding off deer as a Dashboard Jesus (but not quite as tacky). I’ve known many people who had them and swore by them…none of whom were statisticians. (I’ll refrain from the joke about negative correlation, as I’ve already geeked out enough today regarding threaded fasteners.)

Heck, I’ve seen deer in the Echo Park neighborhood (Los Angeles), presumably adventuring from their home in Griffith Park. Unless you are deep in the city, there’s wildlife closer than you may think. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were deer in Golden Gate NRA/The Presidio.


Sorry…no venison. 1) I hate it. 2) Mr. K. didn’t even stop. He’s like that. A tree fell on him on the same road a few years ago (tree incident #1…we’ve had 2) and he just kept going. Now I would have turned around and stayed home for the day, but he figures if he survived, it’s a good day to be alive and just keeps going. The trauma alone would have kept me in bed for 12 hours.

Get this! The cop told us the deer is considered property of the state, so I believe it is illegal to take it home if you kill it. Go figure.

The way I understand it, it’s several hundred dollars worth of meat, half of which you can sell to the guy who cuts & packs it for you.

Clearly, none of them had a Hula Jesus on their dashboard.