Describe a movie in haiku


Older brother drowns.
What are the parents up to?
Younger brother heals.

Missed the edit window. Should read:

Older brother drowns.
How are the parents helping
Younger brother heal?

Ordinary People

This one is not Bridges of Madison County.

Two stories in one
Storyteller engages
housewife with the past


Two stories in one
Storyteller engages
housewife at rest home

“Rest home” gave it away – Fried Green Tomatoes

More shark nonsense:
Brody kills another fish
In shocking ending.

Jaws 2

Speeder and trucker
must get beer across borders.
Buford seeks Justice.

Smoky & the Bandit

Deems Taylor narrates
Animated orchestral works -
Broomkiller Mickey.


Man leads double life,
And kills a lot of people;
But dey vere all bahd.

True Lies, one of my all-time favorite action comedies

Three Australian men
prosecuted for war crimes
“Shoot straight, ya bastards…!”

Breaker Morant.

Young man takes steroids,
punches out some foreigners,
and crashes a plane.

(That was misleading;


A horse whisperer?
But he’s not the guy you kill
He’s the guy you buy.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Escape ice planet
Meet Jedi Master Yoda
I am your father

(Did you inadvertently give the answer?)

Shatner’s the sheriff.
Arachnids overrun town.
Surprise ending? Nope!

Kingdom of the Spiders

Girl’s first time goes bad
Surfer loses his pizza
Poolside fantasy

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

A Nazi’s daughter
helps a suave American;
they fall in love, natch

North By Northwest

Hundreds of cop cars
Chase Goldie and Atherton
Clear across Texas.

Sugarland Express

Andre Gregory
And Wallace Shawn only talk
No action at all

My Dinner With Andre

Four friends walk the tracks
A dead body is out there
Who will find him first?

Stand By Me

Nut job kills people,
Covers them with clay. Passes
Them off as art work.

Buckets of Blood

British mate plays cards
Owes debt to pornographer
Hates traffic wardens