Design an Insult!

The goal of the thread is to see how nasty the insult you can come up with is. here’s mine:

You Filthy, shiteating,cumguzzling,pissdrinking, neonazi commie cocksucking mentally retarded whore,May a thousand vipers bite your brain with the venom of a thousand thousand scorpions and may a thousand thousand thousand demons torment your soul and may a thousand thousand thousand thousand arrows be stuck in your spine and may a thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand fire ants infest your genitalia and may a thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand fiery wolves rape your children and their children and their children until the end of time!

I’d play along, but I want to save up all my really good insults for people I’m actually pissed off at.

you big darn creep

Um, for my contribution see

Most of that tripe is actually a curse, not an insult.

I thought this was going to be about a design someone found insulting.

Well, it makes a nice insult together…

Is your name an insult?

Dammit - You and your ‘design a…’ title! It’s now no longer original. I was thinking of doing a ‘design a weirdo’ thread.

This isn’t an insult but a slogan I invented for a friend of mine because we insult eachother constantly…

Insult a man, make him feel bad for a day.
Teach him to insult himself, make him feel bad for life.

ok, its lame.

I like it

Yeah, well, do it on some other message board. The Pit is for grievances and/or discussion of Board policies, not “creative cursing”.

For the Straight Dope