Someone else dies tonight, and I’m sure we all know who it is.
Wow, no comments at all?
I thought this episode was great. While Edie’s death was not much of a shock, knowing that Nicolette Sheridan is leaving the show, having Orson be responsible is a twist I didn’t see coming. I guess Bree will dump his sorry ass soon, between this and the awakening that Andrew somewhat forced on her. It’s a shame the writers sent his character in that direction, though, because I thought he was great together with Bree.
Loved Gabrielle’s recognizing that she and Carlos are repeating their old mistakes rather than letting herself be easily bought off by the shoes. Lynette is being her old self, and for a change it didn’t backfire on her (unless the lack of Lucy’s ball-busting causes the company to go under). Tom trying to be a “Housewife” (with capital H intended) is going to be amusing, I think.
Susan, Susan, Susan…haven’t you learned not to trust Karl by now? I sure don’t trust Karl at all. I think he must have killed his wife and the kid witnessed it.
I liked Orson too, but he was really being a jerk this episode. He just needs to quit working for Bree, and take up volunteering or something. Have an affair, whatever.
They left it open as to whether Edie survives, but with the actor leaving I guess that settles that. I was kind of looking for the Dave plot to be resolved, but now it could go on for quite awhile. I wonder if Mrs. McClusky will figure any of this out, or what will happen when she gives her condolences to Dave. “I’m so sorry this is the second time you’ve lost your loved ones to car accidents.”
Glad Carlos dumped the ex, but now what? Lynette won’t go long before starting more trouble.
Is Susan headed for another get back together with the ex?
Tom giving husband advice to all the housewives on the street. That could be amusing.
I actually liked Susan in this episode, and I usually don’t. It was nice to see her NOT gloat that Karl got the same thing done to him that he’d done to her and Julie.
Edie’s still twitching. Not for long, though.
Loved the bit with the Solis kids playing with the little glass figures.