I save the Dexter previews for Sunday morning so I can raise my own excitement for the day’s episode and enjoy making my theories about what they mean and where it’s all going. This morning’s trailer has Dexter talking to Doakes in his cage and he makes 5 statements, 3 of them are stunning in how much of the situation they reveal:
Dex has been under federal investigation for 2 months (is this pre-Ice Truck Killer?)
Harry’s code has been shattered
Harry killed the wrong person
This is fascinating stuff! For a dead guy, Harry sure is a major character this season. I still wonder if Harry’s suicide really was a suicide if only because the Captain is the only one who says so and his weasel credentials are so shining.
Looks like Dex finds out something about Harry that shakes him to the core, everything he believes has been lost and he’s cast so adrift that his previous reasons for avoiding capture have lost ground.
I swear, if I did not know this show was renewed for another year I’d know this was it for Dexter. What a great series! I applaud the writers for taking such a so-so book (with a good premise) and making it such a terrific show. I hope they get Emmys this year.
Whew!! I just got through watching this episode and there are so many twists and turns, it’s making my head spin. I agree with the OP, this series is just so engrossing, it’s disconcerting to know that a show about a serial killer protagonist is so fascinating. I like the scene where Dexter is running through various scenarios of how Deb would react to his confession about being the Bay Harbor Butcher. Very funny.
I watched most of this episode with eyebrows raised. There was way too much unbelievable stuff going on, starting with the doctor breaching patient confidentiality. “Emergency contact” isn’t the same as next of kin. The doctor had no business telling Dexter anything.
I didn’t believe for a minute that Dexter would even consider suicide, or turning himself in, so that was time wasted, except that it made for an important talk with Deb.
Also didn’t believe that Lundy’s really in trouble with his boss. When he let Doakes leave, Doakes was no more of a suspect than anyone else in the shop. They hadn’t found the blood slides yet.
Didn’t believe Rita would accept the gift of an SUV from Dexter, after all her talk about taking it slow.
Didn’t believe Lila stealing the GPS thingie. Why would Lila care where Dexter has been? Rita’s the one Lila should worry about, and she knows where Rita lives.
Didn’t believe Doakes stumbling upon the drug guys. Why were they on a boat? Why didn’t they drive to the cabin? Didn’t believe they’d let Doakes live after finding the cabin. To make him carry the drugs? Puh-leeze.
What really bugs me is a holdover from last week. Why is Dexter just now remembering Harry’s reaction to Dexter’s first kill?
I will say this – Dexter seems to be getting on too many emotional rollercoasters. He’s gonna kill Doakes, he’s gonna frame him, he’s gonna turn himself in, he’s gonna frame him again.
But I think I got one prediction from a past thread right – a frame isn’t going to stick very well. There are going to be times when Doake’s whereabouts could be accounted for when some of the murders took place.
I was just happy to see someone finally run Lila through the database for priors. Admittedly, I expected more than just expired Visa but what the heck, it lit a fire under Deb’s butt!
[spoiler]Information will turn up indicating that Lila is a murderer, allowing Dexter to kill her. He will then set her up as the Bay Harbor Butcher, and will persuade Doakes that he should leave him alone, arguing that his victims all deserved it and guaranteeing that he won’t kill any more because he wants to go straight with Rita and the kids.
Okay, I admit that that last part is weak. Doakes wouldn’t give up that easily. So I guess that means that Lila will have to kill Doakes. Which means Dexter doesn’t have to swear off killing, and we get another season. [/spoiler]
Lila confessed to accidentally killing somebody by arson, I don’t think that’s enough for The Code. She’s not (as far as we know) a murderer.
I was really hoping that Dexter would find a way to weasel out of his predicament without violating his code or framing Doakes, but it looks like things are going to work themselves out for him. My prediction
Lila’s going to kill Doakes (probably by burning the cabin down) and Dexter will kill Lila when he finds out. Life goes back to normal for Season three. Doakes still goes down as the Bay Harbour Butcher. I’d like to see Dexter pin it on Lila somehow, I just don’t see how.
I think Lila is a true sociopath and Dexter is…well…Dexter. He’s not a total sociopath; Lila is actually the first true sociopath that Dex has had to deal with so far (aside, maybe, from the psychologist) .I wonder, since the code is now kaput, does that mean that Lila is fair game?
Did anyone else get the impression that Lila planted the GPS in Dexter’s minivan? It could be that I’m not remembering something from an earlier episode that would make this untrue, but it’s a thought.
As a funny/sad aside, I have a friend who did this once to find out if his girlfriend was messing around on him. She was, but the GPS didn’t help. She was quite sneaky. She had his email and credit card account passwords. She knew when he ordered it and when it arrived. Supposedly it took her a few days to find where he stashed it on her car, but she did find it. After that it ended up on a semi trailer heading west. My friend even had to laugh about that.
I do agree with many of AuntiePam’s complaints, but I’m enjoying the series and the season way too much not to roll with it.
FYI, the finale has leaked onto the internet. Of course, further details of where how it may be obtained are forbidden subjects on this board, as they deal with violating US copyright law.
I just wanted to rub it in that I’ve seen the finale, and you haven’t.
And another thing! Who gets their legal business relating to wills and trusts done in less than a day?
I’m definitely rolling with it, but I’m disappointed that the writers couldn’t have put the characters in their places in a more believable fashion.
Angel could have been the one to call Dexter to the hospital. Lila could follow Dexter to the cabin, and the drug guys could have found the cabin and Doakes on their own.
I’m confused about the preview for the finale, when Dexter says Rita’s kids are missing. Lila’s going to leave Doakes in the cabin and go get Rita’s kids? :dubious:
She has no next of kin. In fact, she doesn’t exist. Her name is an alias. And sometimes, vital information is needed FROM the emergency contact or next of kin, rather than the other way around. Also, it seems that it is routine at least in some places for emergency contacts to be informed that people were in accidents and so forth.
I think it would have been unnatural if Dexter’s mind wasn’t racing with options. All options. Here’s Doakes in a makeshift jail from which it is known that he can escape. Dexter is surrounded with every sort of problem and difficulty, from stacks of cocaine to dead drug runners to a crazy clingy bitch to the lives of two kids he adores, to his family and co-workers, and on and on. It was possible that a story line could have developed that began with him turning himself in and branched outward from there.
But Doakes did walk out of the interview. Without explanation. And then left the country. All that after being tied (albiet tenuously) to at least two of the murders. Lundy should have found that suspicious enough to go after him.
It was a loan, wasn’t it? He was going to check a car out of the force’s fleet. She was stranded. Of course she would accept the offer.
Lila is a nutter’s nutter. She is obsessed with Dexter, and even framed the only person he really admires just to get him to be near her. She’s crazy as a loon, and I would think it unnatural if she didn’t track his every move. After all, that’s information about where he goes. And where he goes, she wants to be.
They were on a boat because that’s how people travel in the Everglades. It’s more water than land. Without a boat, you’d have to drive 50 miles out of the way to double back to where you need to be. Plus, it made sense to use him while they had him. Why not?
That’s just the nature of memory. It’s not a linear thing. One thing reminds us of another, and sometimes memories just pop out at you from a fragrance or a look on someone’s face or a familiar situation.
THe van was initially a loan - then on the boat, (while Dex is going forward with his “turn himself in plan”) He gives her the title to it - free and clear.
SimWife and I cannot wait until Sunday - RevTim - darn you to heck!!!
The drug guys at the cabin seemed a little convenient for my taste, but I was getting into it this episode. Dexter’s naration about how he is getting closer to finding peace…how his worries were slipping away after he decided to turn himself in, was very interesting and chilling. I’m rooting for him to change his mind (which he did) when at that point turning himself in would be the best thing for him. Of course, It’s just not the best thing for the show.
I find it fishy that Lundy would all of a sudden start listening to LaGuerta. I have a feeling that Doakes is going to be proven innocent.
Drug guys make perfect sense, albeit convenient, Dex killed both the owner of the shack and the guy that went to the bar - only natural that ‘someone’ is gonna come looking for the cabin and their coke. Doakes should not have been so naive that running up to them and “i’m a cop” is a safe thing to do.
Lundy had already vocalized that Doakes ‘might not be the guy’ but that at the moment Doakes was their prime - so my guess is that Doakes will go down for it as far as the press and the FBI are officially concerned (perhaps with Lila as well) but not with Lundy or LaGuerta… face it, if Doakes lives, season 3 of Dexter will not be very interesting… Even tho Doakes is partially beginning to understand Dexter, Doake’s code cannot allow Dex to continue un-abated.
Dex could have had a very convenient out for Doake’s right there - killed amidst a drug thing, Outside of Lila (and the GPS) - no one would have ever even looked at Dexter again. Even had Lila been the one to call it in, it’s not reasonable for her to point it at Dex (I stole his GPS thing) and Dex could easily counter with a "I had a message from Doakes, went to investigate…etc…).
I’m mollified by your other explanations, but the stuff with the doctor still bugs me. He didn’t ask for and didn’t need a medical history, for one thing. He says “She asked for a rape kit.” Dexter doesn’t need to know that, especially after he told the doctor that he wasn’t her boyfriend.
And in what universe does the doctor make that kind of a phone call? They have other staff for that. Isn’t it usually the doctor’s nurse or someone from Admitting?
And there’s Angel, the man who possibly raped her, hanging around her hospital room. The doctor doesn’t call the cops, or call security, or tell Angel to get out? I realize Lila hadn’t pressed charges, but it’s too weird that Angel was still there.
At that point of the episode - it wasn’t for certain that Lila ‘had’ been raped - according to the Doctor - there were signs of the drug in her system and lila was still ‘fuzzy’ on the events - therefore no reason to suspect Angel (by the staff, as he was the one who had gotten her to the hospital) - he hadn’t been named by Lila as the rapist at that point.
It was only after Dex told Lila not to, that she went forward with her plan.
I suspect the Doctor was filling in Dexter as ‘Emergency Contact’ so that he would be there to comfort/assist Lila - the doctor had no idea Lila’s intent, and Dex saying “not my girlfriend” doesn’t change that aspect.