Did Einstein bed Marilynn Monroe?

A co-worker just asked me if the rumors about Monroe and Einstein were true. Nothing in the archives, so I thought I’d ask the smartest people I know.

Marilyn Monroe a f*cking genius?
I’d not heard that.

I think that in this case it should be “Marilyn Monroe f*cking a genuis”. Talk about your Noble Prizes!

I think it’s a question of Relativity

So that explains his hair.

Did Einstein bed Marilyn? No, Einstein was Marilyn. Note how you never see them together in the same picture.

Your co-worker may be thinking of the movie * Insignificance*

From imdb:

I’m almost positive Albert and Marilyn don’t boink in the movie. That’s an image I’m sure I would’ve remembered!

Forgot to mention - the bulk of Marylin’s and Albert’s scenes take place in his hotel room.

I believe I remember seeing Shelly Winters on Letterman talking about her relationship with Monroe. She said one of the things that stood out about her was that Monroe was always more attracted to brains than brawn. They made up some sort of slumber party-type lists of guys they most wanted to sleep with and Monroe’s were all brainy/professional sorts and one of those listed was, in fact, Einstein. So according to a second-hand source, Monroe at least WANTED to have sex with Einstein at some point in her life, but I’ve never heard that she actually did or not.

*Originally posted by D18 *

Just to be clear, for the impressionable young minds who might happen here, DiMaggio and Monroe not only met but were married to one another for a year. It was Monroe’s second marriage. Her third and final marriage was to playwright Arthur Miller. So she was attracted to both brains and brawn, but perhaps she was also attracted to celebrity, all three common aphrodisiacs for some.

Just to muddy the waters a little, I recall a quote attributed to Monroe, can’t find a cite now though, that Einstein was the sexiest man she ever met.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they bumped in the night.

Here’s an unsubstantiated quote attributed to Otto Preminger:

“Marilyn had this fantasy of having a child by Albert Einstein, whom she absolutely idolized. Marilyn converted to Judaism, you know, but it’s not widely noted. Anyhow, Marilyn believed that between her and Einstein, they could have the perfect child – one with her looks and his brain…”

Albert Einstein would have been about 67 years old at the start of Norma Jeane’s career in 1946. That’s pre-Viagra.

I guess that E would equal MM squared.

Can’t you just picture a baby with HIS looks and HER brains?

Sure. Carrot Top.

I think it’s actual E=M’sC squired.

Thanks all for giving me a good laugh. I’ll never look at Carrot Top the same way again.


First good laugh of the day!

So how many days until someone posts a thread asking “Is it true what I hear about Marilyn, Einstein, and Carrot Top?”

I never thought I would see Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein and {shudder} Carrot Top mentioned in one thread, much less one sentence.

Thanks, Wumpus.