did someone mention a palestinian peace movement?

With incidents such as this happening, now I know why they don’t bother doing them.


How to make friends and influence people.


There is no “Palestinian” lobby in the US.

Talk about missing the point…

Even if the Palestinians in the refugee camps did engage in peaceful protest, they risk someone with a hair-trigger from a helicopter or tank strafing the protesters, as just happened.

Oh my, this whole thing is The Running Man in reverse.

Is there a humanitarian one coz this is fucked in the extreme.



At least no-one has posted a pit thread “Jewish Scum.”

It’s remarkable how much hatred is permissible in polite society, providing you pick your targets right.

“Israeli Scum” might be a better comparison. Although I still agree with your main point.

Ahh but you see “Jewish Scum” would be that fraction more effective at propounding the real, hateful agenda under a plausible guise, while still leaving open the option of later retracting to:

Of course the Jewish Scum I meant was restricted only to those Israeli Jewish Scum actively involved in…Jewish Scum…most sorry for the imprecision…Jewish Scum…etc ad nauseaum

I doesn’t do to underestimate the genius in hate. Odious phrases, aren’t they?

Terrorist lover.

(sorry yoji I couldn’t resist :smiley: )

It’s remarkable how much idiotic shit one can spew out, provided ones head is stuck in the arse. If you have a problem with a thread I have started I propose you take it to the pit.

It still early to say, but by all appearance it was a mistake on behalf of the Israelis – and not the direct result of a deliberate policy of killing. A warning shot meant as deterrent to the demonstrators, many of whom were armed, that went awry. Also apparently the demonstrators continued to approach the Israeli forces even given several warning shots. As for the explosion inside the crowd – who knows? Also I’m quite unable to find the references to the Israelis celebration and dancing in the streets. Funny thing, I’m also quite unable to locate the news where the Israeli organisations eagerly rush to be the ones given credit for the heroic operation. Now perhaps the Israeli leaders, like Arafat and Hamas leaders, will refuse to condemn the killings: no. (The IDF spokeswoman Brig.-Gen. Ruth Yaron said the army deeply regretted the incident) What then, lets see does A’Jazeera call the Israeli soldiers “Freedom Fighters” and the deaths an “honourable operation”? Nope.

Predictable bilge by the Israeli apologist.

No. Sevastopol: Predictable dumb answer by a terrorist apologist.

Can you see the difference? Shall I spell it out?

Israel firing at innocent people ----- Public apologies for the mistake they made. [a rocket went awry]

Palestinians shooting an innocent pregnant woman and children deliberatly ------ Public delight for another Jew killed.

Regarding the OP: Where is the Palestinian Peace Movement?

I’ve seen a hundred thousand Israeli people on the streets protesting their own government. I haven’t seen one palestine doing the same against theirs.

'Cos the IDF shoots them, when they try?

The Israeli military said it was too early to say exactly what had happened, although it suggested that explosives laid by Palestinians could have been responsible.

Seems like a possibility to me. Israeli military has a history of twitchy trigger fingers, and terrorists have a history of blowing up innocent people and blaming it on the government. Either scenario seems likely.

Can anyone refute the claim by the Israeli government? Has it already been either confirmed or refuted somewhere else?

“Could have been responsible”

doesn’t claim:

“was responsible”

In the scheme of possibilities, the likelihood of Palestinian explosives is negligible. Contrariwise tanks shells and helicopter missiles fired in the area are a better probability.

Nobody is maintaining Palestinian responsibility. See the Pit thread for current links.

Independent observers reported that none of the crowd were armed, let alone firing.


So they admit to firing four tank shell at a building. I’d go with the reason these people are dead and injured is because of those shells and not some bullshit about the protestors being armed.

The IDF is well known for saying people are armed when they kill them untill they are proven to be lying. example

The shooter later admitted he was lying. Hurndall is dead.

Can we cut the shit here. Israel has had horrible things done to it and it’s people. They have had to live in terror of death and injury due to terrorists. Palestinians also have lived in terror and fear due to oppressive and cruel acts on behalf of the Israeli forces. Neither side is right.

This action was wrong and has led to another UN resolution criticising Israel which the US hasn’t vetoed.

Participants in the Israeli-Palestinian Forum of Bereaved Families:


Just take a moment to look at some of the photographs. Every face you see belongs to someone who has lost a loved one. See what is possible.

What the fuck?! Is this a reply from a sentient being? One even who, not more than a week gone, thought it was a-ok to murder pregnant women and small children! When back bring intelligence.

I do not like what appears to have taken place and while not intentional slaughter it does indeed seem like excessive and disproportional use of force, but, taught by a history of notorious Palestinian media manipulation (e.g. Jenin, Mohammed Jamal al-Durah, etc), I await the results of the investigations before issuing my personal condemnation. Unlike the UN apparently who, always eager and gung-ho condemnation-happy every time there’s a chance to indict Israel, predictable shot from the hip. Such UN (&EU) condemnation would carry a lot more weight thought, were it that they had a history of just marginally the same kind of zeal condemning Palestinian Arab terror. Alas! I don’t think they’ve been able to agree to single such condemnation. But what can you expect of an organisation who finds it appropriate to elect countries like Sudan to its main humanitarian watch council? Bah! And what to make of the moral indignation of a person who think it permissible to kill pregnant women and small children. Bah!

Rune, it is not, however, “predictable” that the US did not veto said resolution condemning the attack.