Diggleblop has a giant schwanz!

Charter Member is nice.
Anyone who wants can hire it for a ‘three hour cruise’.

That’s right, they don’t.

Now, elevators, or public transit, or job interviews, on the other hand…

I’d go with that. I hear that from time to time, and it always makes me somewhat “:dubious:” – they might as well say, “Gosh, you’re chartreuse!” It is very plainly not so.

Moderators are known for their use of understatement

I’d just like to point out that during my time among the Iroquois I was called “Penis Like Great Sequoya.”

How about just “Giant Dork”?

Well, maybe in your case it isn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if he’s the one who wrote Drew Carey’s 101 Big Dick Jokes?

“My dick is so big my dick has a dick, and my dick’s dick is bigger than your dick.”

And my personal favorite:

“My dick is so big it doesn’t return Spielberg’s calls.”

You have heard of the Marianas Trench? Hell of a story, but rather than be overlong (pun intended) let’s just say that I lost my grip on things during a trip from Japan to New Zealand and it dragged for a bit.

I have the largest cock in the world. Cite

That’s odd, you’re green colored?

Don’t make Mal’s member angry. You wouldn’t like it when it’s angry.

I’m not afraid of it. Being male myself, I know its secret; its Achilles heel, as it were…

brandishes Super Soaker full of ice-cold water

Shrinkage, anyone? :smiley:

Ahh, but if he’s wearing the Magnum warming condom, you are in trouble.

I don’t know about everywhere, but over at the large penis support group (lpsg.org) you can document your claim with pictures and be taken seriously.

And the members there will answer serious questions.

I’m not afraid. Mine has a built-in heating unit.

It doubles as a hot plate.

Damn you, Miller…why the hell did I have to click that link? I had a lot of work I was supposed to get done over the past two hours, you know.
Sigh…141 comics down, 703 to go…

Don’t tell me there’s a steamer resting nearby.

No, just a clam.

Check out my throbbing wallet !