Dildo Ethics

Certainly not. “It is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all.” — Thomas Jefferson

And yes, you have the right to poke things up your orafices so long as you are not in breach of any contractual responsibilities, and so long as you are peaceful and honest.

It’s Texas, according to one source. But I had thought it was Mississippi. There are well more than a million laws in cities, counties, states, and the feds, I hear.

There is no controling legal authority for those with sufficient political clout.

What difference does that make?

“Roughly half of the arrests and court cases in the United States each year involve consensual crimes—actions that are against the law, but directly harm no one’s person or property except, possibly, the “criminal’s.” More than 750,000 people are in jail right now because of something they did, something that did not physically harm the person or property of another. In addition, more than 3,000,000 people are on parole or probation for consensual crimes. Further, more than 4,000,000 people are arrested each year for doing something that hurts no one but, potentially, themselves.” — Pete McWilliams, Ain’t Nobody’s Business if You Do


Remember that teacher, a few years back, that had consensual sex with one of her students? I believe he was 13 or 14 years old. How do you feel about that? Should she have gone to jail?


Well, I don’t think she should’ve gone to jail.


Unless he was emancipated, I’d say, yes.

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims. -Harriet Woods-

I just wish I’d had a teacher like that when I was 13.

I don’t think she should have gone to jail, but then again, she turned out to be a bit of a flake later on. Of course, the public humiliation could have driven her a bit nuts.

Ya’ll gotta be careful of those dildos, though. I bought one for a girlfriend of mine years ago and she had never actually seen one before. So, I ‘taught’ her how to use it and she kinda liked it too much. I kinda had to use it a lot on her. Not that it was a bad thing, but my arm got tired after a while. (She did kinda make up for it, though.)

Eventually we broke up, but she kept the dildo. :slight_smile:

Many people consider masturbation to be a victimless non-crime. Sentinel has given a great example of why I consider it to constitute cheating. My definition of cheating includes any activity which will weaken the bond between the partners. If one has sex only with one’s partner (ie, not even masturbating) that will serve to strengthen their bond.

Keeves: Yikes!

What if your partner is unwilling to do “it” as much as you want? Rather than develop feelings of resentment, it may be better to have a wank from time to time.


PeeQueue: That is the exact same logic that people use to justify having a regular affair.

I grant that masturbation is a far less severe kind of cheating than a regular affair would be, but it is still in the same broad category.

The ideal approach would be to work on why the partner doesn’t want the sex so much, and either fix those causes, or resign oneself to them, which will cause the sex to be that much better when it does occur.

I do agree that if one cannot avoid harboring that resentment, occasional masturbation may be the lesser of the evils. My main point is to explain why I do consider it to be an (occasionally necessary) evil, rather than a harmless pastime.

upstatic, even according to Libertarian principles, age plays a large role in determining whether or not consent was given freely. “Age of consent” may be arbitrary, but in a society as large as our own, it’s the only surefire way we have to make sure that children who are not capable of making informed decisions are protected from the consequences of those decisions. Even that is making the assumption that the adult teacher involved in that instance wasn’t abusing her power enormously in manipulating a child trusted to her care - which I think is very likely. Maybe there was no physical harm done, but her behavior fell into the realm of child molestation, and that does emotional and psychological damage that is nearly irreparable.

Cooper: You’re probably joking, but I won’t let it pass without saying that you should be grateful you didn’t. Behavior of that sort - on the teacher’s part - is almost never about initiating a young person into the greater world of sexual maturity in a safe and joyous manner. It’s almost always about manipulation, abuse, and using a defenseless child in a way most responsible adults abhor. Just because the child was a boy, and boys are stereotypically “supposed” to enjoy sex and be glad of the opportunity to have it, doesn’t mean that what was done to him was any less heinous than the molestation of a teenaged girl.

Keeves: There’s lots of reasons that one partner might not want as much sex as the other, and they aren’t all relationship related (longer work hours = tired, menstrual cycle, too sore, etc. :wink: ).

But I think I’ll just agree to disagree, as I don’t want to be known as the guy who argued in favor of masturbation.



The reason the lady and I actually split up was because of personalities, rather than just sex. Masturbation is a normal, healthy function for either sex, though it can, under various situations, be carried a bit too far. When that happens, then there is usually a psychological or sociological problem behind it.

Like a person being married to someone who just doesn’t satisfy them completely. I have no problem at all with women using dildos – and have frequently enjoyed using them on them. Plus, there are times when a guy just cannot or doesn’t want to produce, so the use of a dildo on his lady can satisfy her desires in a unique way that she will enjoy. (You really ought to buy that new finger messager with the interchangeable soft, rubber heads. Applied carefully to a certain part of the female anatomy causes them all forms of wonderful sensations and it can be worn during the act of coupling.) :cool: :smiley: