Dispatches - Houston 6

Having successfully concluded HouDope 6, we must assess the overall situation:

Attendees included:
zyada - a true dear
Little Nemo

I’m going to have to study our notes before I post anything else. Suffice to say for now, it happened.

A great time was had by all. I think.

After several sloe screws it was a wonder I could think at all.

Zyada was a lot of fun, I hope she comes back.

Little Nemo bailed on us early, he had to start driving back to N.Y. today. I don’t know why he thought he had to have sleep in order to be able to drive. :wink:

Irishman seemed more comfortable this time.

As for Sealemon, I want you all to know he was throwing napkins at me last night for no reason at all.

beatle, our faithful note taker was on the job, if it weren’t for him none of us would ever remember what was said about whom.

Lion spilled a drink on me, I think it was arum and coke #8 or 9.
Ayesha was her usual quiet, shy self !

We tried to recruit the waitress and the bartender.

I know we have other Houston Dopers out there, speak up, come to the next meeting.

We have a lot of fun, and haven’t killed anyone in a long time.

I know that it looks bad that Byz doesn’t post much since her visit. It’s not our fault. Really.


I am really bummed that I couldn’t make it out there. The people I had to meet with came in from London and I met with them on Friday evening. It took all of half an hour! And it could have been resolved on the phone if they weren’t such boneheads. And it wasn’t that important anyway. And now Continental is giving me grief about refunding my ticket.

All in all, I’da rather been in Houston.

My only consolation is that I avoided the possibility of being snowed into Pittsburgh or somewhere. They’re calling for snow here this evening, and it doesn’t take too much to close the airports and divert the planes.

Glad everyone had a good time, and I owe y’all a visit out there. I’ll try again this summer. There’s a golf course or two out there that I want to hit anyway.

Livin’ on Tums, vitamin E and Rogaine

Well, first of all, I had a blast!

Everyone in Houston is super-sweet and great to party with. I felt like one of the group the minute I walked up to the table. If y’all have an excuse to go down there, do it. If you live in Houston & haven’t gone to one yet, wtf are you waiting for?

I learned I need to spend some time keeping up with the Pit & GD. (never go there now) That seems to be were half of the fun is happening.

I hope to see everyone again soon, either with another Houdope, or with a Dallas or all Texas meeting.

…in a state so nonintuitive it can only be called weird…

Just checking in. Yes I was there. Yes I had fun. Little Nemo was interesting, if in a hurry to leave. He said he had to sleep so he could travel, so I’ll try not to read anything in to the fact he was sitting next to me at the time. Glad to meet Zyada, and hope our paths cross again.

It was very cool. Irishman is a great addition to the Houston Irregulars.

Zyada is great!

Between Mike King, zyada, and beatle, we had three board vets. I felt somewhat out of my depth, because I haven’t been a member nearly as long, and because I haven’t been posting as much lately.

But I really do enjoy the meetings!

Zyada: If another Dallas meeting ever gets aranged, then let us know. I for one would like to be there!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Just read the “Shrimp Lady” thread. Thanks so much.

Also just caught up on last week.

What time is it!? Crap, gotta go to bed now.

Well, I have sucessfully completed my epic two and a half day journey across seven states and have returned to my own modest dwelling. I just wanted to thank everyone in Houston for being such good hosts and let everyone know how much I enjoyed meeting y’all.

Ahem. beatle ???

::tap, tap, tap…::

::Waiting patiently as he paces the floor::


Hell, since I’m not sure, I’ll start the traditional whining…

Didja talk about me? Huh huh huh???

“You are sweet, kind, and considerate… Like a grown up boy scout with tits!”

  • Brian, aka SDMB’s one and only Satan.

Let’s see… Falcon… Falcon… Don’t ask me, Beatle’s got the notes.

I remember FORMERAGENT came up. The Shrimp Lady thread was mentioned (Thanks again, guys!). And there was a pussy at the bar. Or I should say wandering around the restaurant before sprawling across the furniture. And I did rub it before the night was over.

And beatle was there two nights beforehand, and the waitress remembered him. Hmmmm.

And she wasn’t my waitress on that earlier eve…

What can I say - I’ve been remiss; it’s been a remiss (i.e., hairy) kind of week. Hmmm, Falcon…, yes, in the notes, but all it says is “Falcon.” Let me try and recall…

Well, we thought about you. OK, I’ll do the notes tomorrow night. Promise.

So, on duty, briefly:

The historical notes of interest regarding HouDope 6 include attendance by a couple of visiting dopers as well reportage by the most slothful party secretary as of yet.

Perhaps we’ll start from the end and work backwards (it’s truly difficult to tell just where these scribbles begin) and maybe we’ll get back to the beginning. I did consider just trying to put all down as something you could sing to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody but, well, maybe next time.

$270 on my AMEX!?!

No separate checks!

Only half or more of us were drinkin’!

True to the SDMB, we always get back to sex (and stray A-Bombs).

Ayesha really needs to put the crack pipe down!!”

What? What?

Sealemon is a weenie for leaving early(?) (I guess were all weenies, then).

(That’s the only panel I’m going to try backwards - it’s confusing enough as it is.)


A lady researched dead armadillo penisbone (cutout) and bone v. no bone rigidity (sounds like a stress test to me). Testing was apparently aided by the use of inflated rat penises (* is that the plural?*).

…reading article while eating…

…amputated penises being tested with strain guages…

tiny rat penises (what happens if they collect from HUGE rats?)…

  • other penile subjects

! There’s a pussy at the bar! Naked!

Seale said “blown” (I’ve gotta watch who gets their hands on the tablet).

If you go to Alaska, bring your own jalapenos.

Ah, the Russkie/US space station. Double redundancy is a good idea, i.e., the marriage of two Figaros. I imagine I’ll get more out of Irishman on that in future SDMB meetings (Oh yeah, gang, when do we pencil in the next?).

Jargon? Interesting subject, and colorful, too.

And on to the subject of the troll flood and just how many were there, anyway?

  • We sort of agreed Phaedrus was probably himself only
  • But several of the others were just two people flying as twelve
  • We feed’em and they feed each other

Who is the pussy at the bar?

Ah, the many and varied occupations of posters…

  • multiple geeks
  • something from all walks of life
  • at least one 'fessed up car thief (who asks good questions)

And our aggregate personality is a function of…

  • a few druggies
  • quite a few drunks
  • some cyber-babes
  • a delegation from the socially, uh, challenged
  • lots of smart, open, caring, charitable, selfless (c’mon, beatle!)…

Sealemon is Phaedy? (NOT!)

Snow in Houston (any since the '82 blizzard?).

Ah,…Valentine’s delights…

-SDMB vis-a-vis BDSM?
-Southern Diocese of the Modern Baptists?
-Satan Dominates this Message Board?


Michelle (*Drea-ea-eammmm…**)

HIV+ thread

Gay guys

Little Nemo’s French family and their immigration

  • surnames in general

Why is there always a non-important character named “Kowalski” in '50’s submarine flicks?

Marvin Zindler (and Eyewitless News!!!)

  • The path to fame
  • I’m a friend of Sheriff Jim
  • Best little whorehouse…
  • We gotta a lotta nice girls there (Neow-how-how-how…)


  • as per Ayesha: da belt (raise’em up right!)
    (actually, I agree with Ayesha - she kids a lot but knows of what she speaks)


On board:

  • Sealemon - not on off days right now…
  • Zyada - yes!
  • Byzantine (certified HouDoper) - ?

Dare you, LION, to post that (even) Cecil’s not 100%.

Beatle and Irishman go to the bathroom together (somehow I suspect a visitation by the same grafitti artist who decorated last gathering’s notes with some fictional reference to Lion hugging beatle…hmmm?)?

Vote for Sealemon in Category #8.

Konrad - Our current Connie-in-training?

gl0worm - pfhhhht…
The perpetual debate between the Mac users and the rest of us is truly one-sided, because, after all, only the Mac users care.

Jukebox scenery… youth gone wild (old fart in a bar - and that wasn’t me).

Ah well…, better late than never. The upside of your secretary’s sloth is we get to talk about it a bit longer, right?

Anyway, from Houston, for the night, “Th…th…that’s all, folk’s!”

The forum’s behaving oddly; I just want to see if this will “bump.”

beatle said:

Gee beatle, three test posts in ATMB, and you still can’t get it right?

The “What, what?” was my remark about how loud it got in there. It started out nice, but when the place got hoppin’, it became a challenge to hear across the table. In fact, when we commandeered the table, we extended the flaps, but later in the evening (after Little Nemo left), I collapsed one to get closer to the action.

You left out bellydancing, and Zyada showing off. (It wasn’t in the notes? Gack!)

Also, adding some comments…

Three level house of fun. What’s on the top level? Darts.

Grafitti on the bathroom door, re Clinton in the White House: “He’s the best the Chinese could afford.” (Anyone remember the first part?)

Who was discussing Falcon?

Michelle, we love you.

And a note to group: looks like if we want the minutes to make sense, we need to take better notes on the paper. This stream of consciousness thing is … oh wait, I don’t want the job. Go Beatle!