I mean no disrespect here, apologies if any offense is taken.
I have two female gay friends that both despise Anne Heche, and I’m curious if this is a widely held opinion. Their take on it:
She wasn’t getting enough recognition as Steve Martin’s girlfriend, so she became Ellen’s partner right after Ellen came out to get in on the publicity. After she used that to further her career, she dumped Ellen and is now married to a man. They equate her with the worst kind of slutty Hollywood starlet, in that she probably isn’t even Bi and only used Ellen to sleep her way to the top.
My take - she’s really not that famous, she’s Bi, and she’s extremely weird. I tried to tell them about that strange book she wrote, but I couldn’t remember what was so odd about it - doesn’t she think she communicates with aliens or something?
I welcome anyone’s input, regardless of sexual orientation.