Do rotary nose-hair trimmers actually work?

I translate these to mean: Why, yes, IT DOES HURT!!!

I’d bought the model Crafter-Man recommends from Amazon for $20 less!! than Amazon’s current price, and it’s in my doesn’t-work-anymore bag. Thank you, all who responded to my query.

Plucking nose hairs is supposed to be not a great idea; the nose is a dirty place and an exposed open follicle can get infected pretty easily.
I have a little battery operated trimmer, the business end of which is a small stainless steel castellated cylinder - it works just fine for both nose and ears (both of which seem to have become more luxuriantly hirsute in my middle age)

No mention so far of permanent laser epilation techniques ?

I’m shocked.

I have a cheap one that does the job sufficiently. The real entertainment comes when I roam around the house while trimming and try to find someone to talk with. Maybe it’s the bzzt…bzzt…bzzt sound, but they all scatter for some reason.

Quoting from a post of mine a few years ago on this topic:

The article I linked to seems to be gone now, but I still haven’t heard of any actual cases of infection that could be tracked back to plucking nose hairs.

Jesus. The most quotes and responses on a post that I’ve gotten in years, and it’s about nose-hair removal…

It’s happened to me, so you have now. It varies from being like a sore pimple, to a painful and inflamed swelling of the tissues.
This page describes it as ‘rare’, but then I suppose it might well be.

I have a diode laser for cutting and engraving, but I’m not sure I can get my head under there. And then there’s the aiming issue as well…

The was, is and always will be high explosives.

I use a little battery powered side cutting beard touch-up trimmer. Does a very good job on random ear hair as well, including those wild hairs that go from 1mm to 2cm overnight.

A cigar lighter is a bit over-the-top, but is very quick.

I prefer to grow my nose hair quite long and comb & wax it into a moustache shape. Chicks dig it. Just keep the cigar lighter away from the moustache wax. Don’t ask me how I know.

Everyone has their forte’. Just be glad it isn’t something ignominious. :wink:

Does anyone ever buy a nose hair trimmer as a present for someone? Seems like it would be considered insulting. :thinking:

I thought of getting one for my brother as a gag.

This reminded me of Ann Landers’ weirdest letters. My favorite: “My husband burns the hair out of his nose with a lighted match, and he thinks I’m crazy because I voted for Goldwater.”

The book “Big Secrets”, which was a decent best-seller in the early 1980s, had a chapter about Klipette, a nose hair clipper that allegedly worked pretty well, but there were rumors that its mail-order business was primarily to get addresses to sell to other companies. This book pretty much confirmed it.

It’s the big questions that count.

I often just yank them out.
But the side burn trimmer on my electric shaver seems to work well enough too. BUT, that is my particular Braun model shaver. Your brand and model might not be suitable. Hate to have folks slice and dice in their nostrils.

After some research, including this thread, I tried a nose hair wax kit, the same Wokaar one @am77494 linked upthread. It’s cheap, effective, novel, not as painful as I was expecting, and kind of fun(!). I’m 100% satisfied, this was a very good buy. You don’t need anything more than some hot water for melting (I used an electric kettle) and perhaps some napkins or tissue. I wound up reusing the applicator dealies on the handle side, they seem to work fine like that a second use. The wax got reheated a few times in the cup and I measured 160°F with an IR therm during one of them, not too hot at all. It took four yanks per nostril (YpN) and they’re … clean. Like [furtive glancing] obscenely bare. Wanna see em?

It’s not really painless but very low intensity and without any lingering aching. I even had a yank that slipped out of my hand (phrasing!) and had to be repulled but no big deal at all. If anyone is wondering about doing this but holding off for fear of pain, I found it negligible and say go ahead.

And the wax smelled very nice. I reminds me of old church incense.

The first time I waxed my nostrils, I spent the next half-hour stoking them, marveling at the unaccustomed silky smoothness.

I tried the nose-hair wax on my equally-hirsute ears, but alas, the results were not as successful.

That would be a lovely first line for someones memoirs.

… it was a dark and stormy morning.

Or pornography for a very specific fetish…