Do we have a thread for SlackerInc yet? Maybe we should

Huh. Next you’re going to tell me only elves can be theens…

Come on man. You are leaving out a bunch of details that drew our attention to other posts you made on this same subject.

Is it really that hard to ask “Are you okay? Do you need any help?”

For a SlackWit? Probably.

I don’t remember what details you are referring to, but go ahead and quote whatever posts you’d like. I can guarantee you this much, though: I never felt any vibe that made me feel there was any reason to be concerned about these women or ask them if they were OK. That would have felt really patronizing, and there were just no alarm bells going off at all in terms of their behavior or demeanor.

And it’s not like I’m some sort of callous person who doesn’t care about women in distress. I went against severe peer pressure in high school and called 911 when a drunk and distraught girl took a bunch of pills (aspirin or Tylenol, I think) at a party. These women seemed totally fine to me, just like anybody else getting off work.

But then I don’t buy into this mentality that just because you are a sex worker, someone needs to come rescue you.

Unless it’s your dead junkie friend doing the distressing, that is…

Are you just trying to experiment and see how far you can take dishonesty and sliminess? Wow. Impressive, I guess.

You remind me of someone from AF-CA who also seemed to have his affect setting permanently stuck on “snarl”. He took advantage of the fact that I expressed sadness about my dog getting killed by a car to just bring up the dog’s name at random points in various threads.

I can’t remember exactly what his name was (although I think I would recognize it if I heard it), but I’m pretty sure it was something different from Dibble. My SN here is different too, though, so maybe that was you. Or maybe you are both just real pieces of work. :man_shrugging:t2:

OTOH this 2015 piece about a woman whose troll assumed the identity of her dead father (maybe a tactic for you to explore next?) has stuck with me for the past five years. It gives me hope that you (and the guy from AF-CA) are not actually as abhorrent as you try so desperately hard to appear: What happened when I confronted my cruellest troll | Cyberbullying | The Guardian

Gosh, you’ve made me see everything in a new light. I’m so sorry for how I’ve trea…

Like fuck, I am. You brought up your supposed dead friend to score points in a #MeToo argument, fuckhead. That’s not crying over a dead dog. That’s you parading a supposed corpse around because your plain old vanilla misogyny wasn’t cutting it anymore. And then threw a hissy fit when no-one bought it. “Oh, no, they’re mocking my dead friend. That was totally a real guy.”

Well, boo-hoo for you, you racist fuck. I’d care - a little - if I thought your little dead junkie buddy was real…

Go on, post another newspaper article, that’s always sooo convincing.

Nice attempt at backpedaling, but what you actually did here was to take his existence as a given but shift the story so that in your telling he actually was guilty of rape—even though he was with me and three other friends of mine (two from high school, one from when I had previously attended the U of M), 200 miles away, the whole weekend when the woman claims he had raped her Saturday night.

And I guarantee the details there will match up with what I wrote before, not because I keep some sort of elaborate script bible or furiously search my old posts, but simply because it is true and I therefore don’t have to keep track of what I have said previously.

ETA: It’s possible when I talked about it in the past that I only mentioned the friends from high school because they were the ones I gave phone numbers to the police to corroborate the story. I don’t know if I had the other guy’s phone number at that point, or if he even had one since he was kind of a vagabond.

You realise “True story, bro!” is sarcasm, right? Because that was my very first reply to your ridiculous story.

You do realise the more you say this, the more the rest of us are convinced that’s exactly what you do, right?

I mean, maintaining a spreadsheet to keep your various lies straight would not be out of character for Mr Post-my-test-scores-and-poker-logs, would it now? Especially for someone who has admitted here before that their memory isn’t all that great.

I’m actually flattered that you would imagine me to be such a mastermind, so think what you like.

And yes, months ago you questioned the veracity of the story, but I’m talking about in your recent post. You didn’t call it into question overall, but you changed your telling of it so that he was guilty instead of it being metaphysically certain that he was innocent, which was the whole point.

Are you talking about the one-liner “Unless it’s your dead junkie friend doing the distressing, that is…” ?

Dude, I’ve already told you multiple times I don’t believe your bullshit anecdote. I don’t have to keep doing so every time I refer to your story. That’s not playing along with you, that’s just mentioning the story you told (which does not make you out to care about women in distress at all.) I didn’t “change my telling of it” because I never told it in the first place. It was a throwaway line, there’s no detail there.

Should I have said “unless it’s your imaginary dead junkie friend” instead? Noted,
I’ll remember to include that every time.

And “Metaphysically certain”? Could you be a more pompous ass?

Oh, one last word from me - the thought of me imagining you to be a mastermind? “Ouch!”

Yes, I’m suuure that’s your last word.

Any idiot would understand that to mean “In this post”.

Of course, you’re not just any idiot.

You’re the Village Idiot for the Village Entirely Populated By Idiots. You’re what idiots warn their idiot kids they will turn into if they ever go Full Idiot and the wind changes.

Also, whoosh.

Don’t worry. I got it.

Yeah, not sure we need or want updates on your reach-around, kemosabe. :nauseated_face:

Yeah, not the 16 year old girls showering you prefer fantasizing about, we know, but no need to go full homophobe there, you big racist horse’s ass.

Slacker’s just sad that masked men never give him a reach around . . . or a ‘Hi Ho Silver’.

I can see just how deeply you cared for your… “friend.”

Lol, if I thought there was some kind of coordination to your attacks, these last three posts suggest otherwise. Or is it only homophobic if I say it? :thinking:

Now, showering with a consenting (and attractive) sixteen year old girl, in a jurisdiction where that’s legal? Sign me up!