Do we have a thread for SlackerInc yet? Maybe we should

One consenting (and attractive) sixteen year old girl, or two consenting (and attractive) eight year old girls, right?
I mean if you’re in a jurisdiction where that’s legal what reason is there not to?


Really? I’m not the one that just said he wants to shower with minors.

You’re the one who said it wouldn’t be any different to shower with a 16 year old or two eight year olds. I guess then a 32 year old is equivalent to four eight year olds, right?

My god, you’re sick.

Apparently, question marks confuse Slacker.

I would say you’re confused, but you’re just dishonest. Obviously when you write “X is true, right?” that means “I believe X is true, don’t you agree?” And you know that.

No, that’s not how that works.
But please, tell us more about your desire to shower with 16 year olds!
I’m sure everyone will be as impressed with it as they are with your other qualities.

I’m sorry, but this is too much. It’s gone too far. Slacker, please stop.

Go ahead, lead by example. You (collectively) stop, I stop.

There’s only one possible resolution:

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Yes

You got lucky.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

sigh Shut up, discobot.

[quote=“SlackerInc, post:681, topic:825461, full:true”]Now, showering with a consenting (and attractive) sixteen year old girl, in a jurisdiction where that’s legal? Sign me up!
Yes, we can all tell how much you love your wife…no wonder she’s not your first one. Probably won’t be your last one, either, that much seems obvious.

…and whoosh again, BTW. I said nothing about “showering with”.

Well, since we’re not a collective, and since I don’t bow to our robot overlord, how about:

Fuck you. I’ll stop when you’re gone.

You know, even Shagnasty, for all his faults, eventually understood when enough was enough and learned to STFU.

I’ll ask again, because I think there must be a clinical issue that would explain why this is such an impossible concept for you to grasp. Have you ever been professionally diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?

No, but as I hinted upthread, inferior Jante Law types would surely love to do so. :stuck_out_tongue:

Christ you’re a dumbass.