I do! Women like Jamie Lee Curtis I find extremely sexy…also that vulcan chickon “STAR TREK”. I wonder why they are attractive…,maybe the short hair/high cheekbones?
Anybody know who the actress is who plays that extrmely attractive Vulcan on STAR TREK?
What in the world is androgynous about Jamie Lee Curtis?
I don’t think either of those women are androgynous.
I am, however, turned off by women that appear boylike, or a woman where you actually have to think about whether someone is a woman or a man. It takes a lot more than short hair, high cheekbones and no makeup for me to think that a woman looks like a man.
I’d regard an “androgynous” looking woman as having, at a minimum, narrow hips and small breasts. Jolene Blalock does not qualify.
(No comment on whether the “look” is attractive, or not … attraction is too much of an individual thing.)
I like androgynous men. Does that count?
(yet often with facial hair. It’s rather odd).
I gotta say that if you can’t tell Jamie Lee is a distinguishably feminine, you aren’t looking.
Paris Hilton has narrow hips and small breasts. I don’t think she qualifies as androgynous.
But there are women who I get an androgynous “vibe” from who I think are attractive, and it’s usually because of it rather than in spite of it. Something about the contradiction is intriguing, I guess. Isn’t there something in the Kama Sutra about women being able to accent their femininity by taking on masculine characteristics?
Examples of hot androgynously-vibed women: Hillary Swank, Angelina Jolie, Jodie Foster.
Examples of androgynously-vibed women who don’t do it for me: Lori Petty, Martina Navratilova.
I think Jaimie Lee Curtis is somewhat androgynous. If you take away the makeup and the breasts, that’s a boy. There’s a rumour that she was born a hermaphrodite.
Here’s another candidate: Paige Davis , host of “Trading Spaces”. Check out those shoulders! She’s also annoyingly cheerful.
Personally, I find androgynous women less attractive. I like curves and soft features.
I drool over “boyish” looking women! Short hair, strong jaws, high cheekbones, swanlike necks, small butts turn me on like a light switch.
Hell, yeah.
“Boyish,” that is-- not mannish.
Hypersexualized types of both genders look ridiculous to me. Androgynes appear more balanced, natural, and attractive.
I think that for some obscure reason, on some level I expect androgynous-looking people to be more intelligent than people at either end of the scale, and with females, that translates directly into “boinkable.”
The first thing that popped into my head upon entering this thread:
(sung to ‘These are a few of my favorite things’)
*Leather clad women
with haircuts like boys…
These are a few
of my favorite toys!*
(Alas, I cannot find the rest of the poem.)
You consider Angelina Jolie to be “androgynously-vibed”?
I think the full lips and decent-sized chest disqualify her, personally.
Annie Lennox is androgynous, and (IMHO) very sexy.
I consider myself androgynous. I have short hair, wear a combination of men’s/women’s clothing, and my body shape is boyish. And I know I look sexy.
(warning* - large picture, scantily clad)
[sub]*Like such a thing should be somehow feared[/sub]
She’s androgynous? That’s the most colossal piece of bullshit that I’ve ever heard!
She’s hot!
I realize you’re calling bulshit on the OP, but just in case you weren’t - I was being sarcastic.
I sure don’t watch enterprise for the stories!
I was just thinking that most supermodels would probably qualify as androgynous. They’re all unusually tall, and have small breasts and narrow hips. Reminds me of a theory a friend of mine once explained to me. He believed that the fashion industry was aimed primarily at women and gay men, thus the super-tall and thin models are chosen because they please these two groups rather than actual men; i.e. they have boyish features. In surveys, such as
this one , most men say they prefer a full figure. However, in a study that looked exclusively at Playboy models, scientists concluded (without polling men, mind you) that men’s taste in women is shifting toward the skinny and androgynous. Interesting theory.
I know that I definately like curves and a full figure. The women mentioned in this thread are surely beautiful, I just wouldn’t feel any romantic attraction to them.
I’m convinced that Clay Aiken from American Idol is a woman posing as a man.
Just thought I’d share.
There’s something extra-hot about a beautiful woman who likes “guy” stuff. Let’s take two identical hotties–call them Mary-Kate and Ashley–and one of them (let’s say Mary-Kate) collects little glass unicorns, has fifty pairs of dress shoes, watches a lot of Meg Ryan movies, and her favorite musician is Norah Jones. The other one (Ashley, say) has a dirt bike, a membership at the local firing range, can quote from any James Bond movie (but hates the Roger Moore ones), and did a stint as a dancing girl for the Brian Setzer Orchestra.
Mary-Kate, you’re a lovely girl, but Ashley’s the one for me. And if that’s androgyny, it’s my kind of androgyny.