Do You Like water ice? do you have water ice?

do the dopers here like water ice ? In more southern cities i think they call them italian i ice . If your from a place like Philly where i grew up you probably pronounce it “wooder Ice” haha. well anyway what is your favorite flavor? have you ever been to a Rita’s stand? I think those are only in like 9 states or something. Have you ever had a Radioball? if so what are your favorite mixes?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :cool: :cool: :cool: :eek: :eek:

Cmon, BTW i am only posting again to keep this thread from getting pushed off of the threadlist and that somewhere someday someone might actually post here instead of the 14c people that just looked at it.

You’re not talking about a snow cone, are you?

I’m thinking of italian ice here. It’s a more or less solid block of flavored compressed ice shavings. Snow cones are similar but much less dense. Snow cones are slushy and not compacted, and you can eat a snow cone with your teeth, but you definitely need a spoon to eat italian ice, and usually eat it by scraping away at the surface. Tasty & not filling & fattening like ice cream. After scraping off the top half, I flip the ice over to get to the flavor-intense bottom.

Lemon, lime, cherry. There don’t seem to be too many flavors available.

not what im saying at all! water ice is like a slurpy and a snow cone put together … this is really hard to explain i shouldnt have said italian ice because i know what your talking about and that was wrong water ice is sorta like a melted snow cone with twice as much flavor and if you pick a certain flavor there are chunks of fruit in it the ice is like microscopic so it just kinda makes it thick but so thin that you can almost drink with a straw if anyone knows water ice please help me explain to the other dopers

::looks around::

Say it with me Chicagoland…

MARIO’S on Taylor St. !!!

…a million flavours
…a lovely frozen slushee consistency
…you want fruit pieces? The watermelon comes with seeds!
…the pina colada and watermelon ones are my particular faves
…on a hot, muggy, sticky summer day in Chicago, it is sex in a plastic cup.

yet another thing Granuaile misses about Chicago :frowning:

YO! Friggin’ ay right! Wudder ice! Wudder ice! Cherry wudder ice wid a soft pretzel!

And youse better not even get me started on Gelati and all the favorite combos!

I just passed Pop’s on Argon (Oregon) ave after I dumped my wife off at work.

-Phil from Philly.

Ha! I knew you were from Philly as soon as I read “water ice!” I looooove it, and get the oddest looks in New York when I call it that . . . But I refuse to lose that one regionalism.

I remember back in the Eighties, NYC had these street vendors, I think called “Steve’s All-Natural Water Ice,” which served the most amazing and delicious flavors. They went out of business within a year or two—because the product was all-natural, they couldn’t use preservatives and therefore get a larger market (like grocery stores).

Me too…waxing nostalgic :frowning:

If your from philly philster ,have you ever been to Nicks? i LOVE that place

Oh well, what the hell . If you can i reccomend going to nicks water ice in philly. If not find a ritas out of philly and order a radioball …haha the first time i orderewd that in florida the girl gave me a look like i was a complete mental case ( if you dont know a radioball is the same as a gelati but with a way better name)

Is this like a Slush Puppy? I haven’t had one of those in years…I think the dep near my place sells em…I should have a look-see one of these days:)

Hmmmm…are we talkin’ Slurpees here???

no its LIKE a slurpy . its like a designer slurpy i mean its more liquid way colder and has fruity chunks and not all that chemical flavor crap . nevermind you have to try one to get what it tastes like if any other dopers know what i mean pleaes help me spread the water ice phenomina

no its LIKE a slurpy . its like a designer slurpy i mean its more liquid way colder and has fruity chunks and not all that chemical flavor crap . nevermind you have to try one to get what it tastes like if any other dopers know what i mean pleaes help me spread the water ice dream

pleaes ignore the last words of my last post i cant spell at all and just dont practice good grammar

Sounds delish! :stuck_out_tongue:

it SO is!

The greatest place to live in the entire solar system is the northeast part of the United States.

Water ice…PUH-LEASE, if you don’t know what it is, GO AWAY!

You pathetic mid-westerners…you sorry southerners, you damn foreingers…STOP STOP STOP.


My favorite water ice stop used to be Italianos on Shunk St I think, but I stop at a place called Joe’s now.

actually southerners have water ice i have been known to reside in jacksonville florida if not other places and i can get water ice there

actually in miami i had the biggest dissapointment of my short life, we found out about this water ice place and whaen we got there these FRAUDS were selling crappy frozen snow cone crap under the name water ice