Do you object to being ogled?

Is there extreme diversity of definitions of “ogled” here or what? If the word has a negative connotation in someone’s mind, then of course they object to it. If it’s neutral, they say “It depends on context and how it’s done”. Is there really anyone out there who objects to being looked at under any circumstances whatsoever?

If a skeevy person looks at me inappropriately, I guess I could feel creeped by it, but my definition of “inappropriately” includes dilation of pupils and visible drool. Some people object to being smiled at unless something overtly humorous has happened in the last five seconds. Expressing an opinion on “ogling” without describing the behavior does no good.

And stop saying “oogled.” Sheesh.

The closer I get to m 35th birthday, the less I mind it. When I was younger it would creep me out. Now that it happens less frequently, I’m mostly just flattered.

I was at a bar playing pool with my husband and some friends a few weeks ago and a good looking guy (probably around 25) was ogling me. (OK, there was no good reason to post this other than that I didn’t tell anyone and just had to share.) My response? I ogled him back. Oooh, it was fun.

I’m fairly sure I’ve never once been caught oogling. I’m also depressed that - now I come to think of it - I can’t remember the last time I was oogled.

But isn’t it a much nicer word? I love it! Oogle oogle oogle!

“1 : to eye amorously or provocatively
2 : to look at especially with greedy or interested attention”


(Early Out raises trouser leg to reveal a well-turned ankle):

“Would you leave home for this?”

I love being ogled. Stuff a ten in my pocket and I’ll even shake it a little for you. :slight_smile:

I hate being ogled. It makes me feel like the ogler fails to realize that there’s a person inside this body. Unless it’s an act caused by genuine interest rather than objectifying lust, it always results in a dirty look from your truly.

I don’t mind if you are discreet and not creepy. It’s certainly not a burning issue to me.

You are one foxy dude Sublight. I tellz ya, if I was a gay man…

I don’t like it either. At all.

You know what I don’t like? When someone splazzes me. There’s nothing I hate more than when I’m walking down the street, minding my own business, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, SPLAZ!!! I was splazzed just this morning and I’ll tell you it annoyed me to no end. So don’t any of you ever splaz me, or I’ll get really mad at you.

What, you don’t know what splazzing is? Too bad. Why should I bother defining it? I know it when I see it. My warning stands. Don’t splaz me, or you’ll be sorry.

That a Jersey thing, splazzing?

Speaking of ogling, has anybody noticed that the Question About Cleavage thread has over 1500 views?

And it’s a good point, cuauhtemoc