Doctor Love Gun Is Wearing His Cranky Pants

He is filled with grrr. Like a little wet kitty being stroked backwards.

Anyone have a taser and a valium I can borrow?

I bought him DoubleStuffs, and even they didn’t help.

And I like my cranky pants. Grrrrr.

But I loves the oreos more

Oral sex and a daquiri go a LONG my in removing MY cranky pants.

Well, I was going to suggest some Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk, but now that seems…inadequate. GrizzRich’s idea is much better.

DrLoveGun, you need to pack up those cranky pants and send them to the thrift store, and get yourself some new happy pants!

I find oral sex is simplier when there are no pants involved. Although I do agree that the daquiri makes taking the pants off in the first place a lot easier.

Chocolate always helps. :slight_smile: