I don’t remember seeing any threads about the show, but does anyone esle watch The League on FX. It just wrapped up season 2 tonight. It comes on after It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and has a similarly ribald sensibility. It’s about a fantasy football league of upscale professionals, and it’s very much “guy” humor. It gets a lot of mileage in its (very accurate, in my opinion) portrayal of macho smack talking and posturing (though one of the guy’s wives, who is also in the league, can hold her own with all of them).
Ruxin is probably the funniest character. He’s a successful attorney with a hot wife, and he is not afarid to remind everybody of both of those things all the time and be a totally smug dick about it. None of the characters are really very quality human beings (it’s like Always Sunny in that regard), but Ruxin is so over the top about the dick measuring that he kills me.
I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve got the season one DVD on hold at the library. It looks like a lot of fun and if you’re saying it’s like It’s Always Sunny, then I’m sure I’ll love it.
You really don’t need to know anything about football to enjoy the show. The fantasy football thing ties everything together, but overall it’s a minor part of the story.
I like it, its slightly less outrageous then Sunny, and more consistent quality wise. I was also pleasantly surprised about how little of the show was about football.
The funniest thing about it, is if you have ever played in a fantasy football league like it. I used to play in one with friends from college, and the “smack-talk” was totally like this. I wish webcam video was as easy to do back then (10-15 years ago) because we would have done the videos just like them.
I gotta say, I love all the wonderful new phrases I’ve learned from the show:
Vaginal hubris
Vinegar Strokes
Fear Boner
Eskimo brothers
This show is pretty awesome. I prefer the first season though; I think the shorter run made the episodes higher in quality but this season hasn’t been bad.
:smack: damn you