Does anyone like or understand the new web site?

Oh, and guess what, I still hate your fucking site design. So much so that I’ve completely stopped reading Slate. The value and quality of what you have to offer is NOT worth dealing with your website. Great job, guys. :roll eyes:

Yep, also stopped going to Slate after the redesign.

The horror of the new design made me angry for its incredible awfulness. Don’t need that. So forget it.

The latest atrocity (or maybe it’s been an atrocity all along, but I just never noticed) is that when you click a link in an article, it doesn’t jump to the linked story, but instead tries to install some sort of Cisco mobility add-on onto my computer.

In the past, I had a bookmark for the “First Thoughts” tag on the “First Read” blog, which would give me a daily a quick summary and analysis of the day’s political issues from Chuck Todd and his gang. Now, I can get to the main “First Read” page and fumblingly find the “First Thoughts” article, but now any links I click are “improved” by their stupid add-on.

I used to love to check in regularly with Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog on my droid. Since they switched over, I’ve essentially stopped. Not only are there issues with the main page loading, but it’s extraordinarily difficult to click on a link to get to the full articles. To add insult, it would fuck up my browser entirely, even for other sites, until I would manually kill the browser and reopen it.

Really stupid move on their part.

All that’s missing is a “NEWS FOR DUMMIES” banner across the top.