This monstrosity is so incredibly ass-ugly it boggles the mind. I haven’t heard anything positive about it, from anyone. I saw one close up recently (GM inexplicably brought it to my school to show off at our career fair), and it looks even uglier than the pictures make it out to be. So anyone like the damn thing, or know anyone who does?
I do like the concept of a flip-top tent on the back of that thang.
… but the front looks like it’s wearing a huge set of braces on buck teeth or something.
And they call that ugly-a** thing a SUV. An embarassment
to the only real SUV, the JEEP!
no, my username does not imply my enthusiasm for this pontiac piece of crap. i’m a jeep man myself
It’s cool enough. I’m not into that much, prefer stadard pickup trucks, but there’s no harm in giving people options.
The trouble with the auto industry as a whole is too many cars look alike. None of the old cars do, from the 60’s. A lot of guys try to find them to drive, each one unique. Hard to get parts, but they had enough room under the hood to be modified.
I think it looks like an '85 LeMans and a TranSport had a bastard child. Either that or an '85 LeMans on steroids. What a god-awful ugly thing.
And you Jeep guys better quit dissin’ my '88 Montero!
The '88 Montero was classically simple. Looked like a military vehicle, except usually red (contraindicated in military vehicles).
The Aztec is an insult to the indigenous peoples of central Mexico and they should sue. That is one of the ugliest things on the road. I am thankful it doesn’t seem to be selling well. And that sloping back cuts into the cargo space.
More butt-ugly SUVs are made by Isuzu. The original Trooper was nice and practical and really looked like the troop transport and liaison vehicle it started out as. OTOH, I was so startled walking past one of the new ones when they first arrived that I said aloud, “That’s the ugliest G-D thing I have ever seen in my life!” A salesman showing it to some customers was not pleased. They don’t seem to be selling well, either.
Actually, I kind of like it. It’s certainly different than every other SUV out there on the road. But then again, this is from someone who actually likes the looks of the Hummers.
Some people enjoy eating poo and being peed on a kicked in the nads, but most don’t admit it in public.
I hate the ugly, ugly piece of trash!
Gimme a GTO anyday.
It appears to have fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down. With the premiere of this hideous monstronsity, I NEVER want to hear anyone make fun of the old Beetle again!
I think the Pontiac Aztec should be drug out in the road and shot.
The kind folks at GM are giving away Aztecs as prizes in all sorts of contests in an attempt to get rid of some of them.
When Ford changed the headlights on the Contour they took a fairly good looking car and made it stupidly bizarre. I’m a Ford man, but they sometimes get wierd ideas of what’s attractive. So I called them up to ask them what the hell they were thinking and was given the public relations department instead of styling. I wasn’t surprised. They probably lump all of us who care about styling with the rest of the lunatics.
Ooh! The discussion comes full circle! They did that with the Korean LeMans, too!
You’d think they’d get a clue.
You could teach them the clue mating call, spray them with clue musk and stand them in a field full of horny clues in the middle of clue mating season and they STILL wouldn’t get a clue.
Pontiac sets a new standard for ugly! Come on, what style is that supposed to draw from, the Battlestar Galactica movement???
BTW, here’s the first response from Google (searching for Pontiac Aztec): Pontiac Aztec…uuuugh
Has anyone seen the Chevy Avalanche? I thought the Aztek was the ugliest vehicle ever, but GM outdid itself! What the hell is the deal with the rocker panels?
I don’t know how it handles, but it’s the ugliest thing this side of a Gremlin on steroids.
The Aztec looks more like a stylish mini-van to me. I saw the prototype vehicle–it looked A LOT better than the vehicle that’s on the market now.
It is definately an ugly vehicle. The vast majority of people who purchase this type of vehicle have no intention whatsoever of taking them off road. The current rage for the “designer” SUV has produced vehicles unsuited for taking up or down narrow, steep, snow, mud and rock trails with firs and pines rubbing the sides of the vehicle.
Not so, here’s who Pontiac is marketing this thing to:
See, its for people who push the limit. I’m sure these people will take it off-road. Or at least get run off the road by those of us who care about æsthetics.