Does anyone remember that "hollow" ersatz chocolate licorice from years ago?

Cannot find anywhere, I don’t think I am imagining it, anyone else remember it fondly?

Have any idea where to find it? Penny candy stores–I don’t think it was ever packaged for consumers that I recall.

You mean Chocolate Twizzlers?


These were shorter pieces, soft, maybe 6-8" long, and as I said, hollow inside.

Found them all over Pittsburgh when I was a kid in the penny candy stores.

Are you sure this was a food product? :smiley:

Was it a Switzer’s product? I think they had chocolate at one time.

Yeah, I remember them. Used to get them at the candy stores in NYC when I was a kid. They were sold individually along side the red and black ones. They were shorter but fatter. A double hollow tube IIRC. Haven’t seen them in 50 years.

Peanuthead, exactly!! Thank og, I was beginning to think we’d all gone insane! My sisters and I were reminiscing about them.