Does Sarah Palin telling about having her baby shower at a shooting range get you "all wee-weed up"?
So she literally euphemised “wee-weed” for “pissed”? Is baby talk supposed to mask her true feelings about “liberals”?
Or is she talking about how her penchant for stupidity causes liberals to toke (weed) up?
I’m not really sure what the intent is here. As with most of the things Palin says, I’m left scratching my head and wondering why anyone finds her news-worthy.
I’m a liberal and huh?
Love guns, hate Palin.
I don’t get why this is news. Its a moronic venue for the event, like booking a toddlers birthday party at a bar, but there’s nothing about it that’s inherently "wee-wee"ing. Except Palins stupidity in general, of course.
FWIW I’m a liberal federalist anarcho-communist socialist statist conservative free market capitalist.
She actually used the words “wee-weed up”? Blimey, what a child.
She means it upsets liberals and she uses the term “wee-weed” to infantilize them.
Honestly, the ones I could most imagine getting upset about this are some conservative blue-blood women who want everything done properly. I don’t think that your run-of-the-mill middle class lib or con gives a shit.
I’m a liberal who could not possibly care less where Palin holds her baby showers. Do conservatives really imagine this is something liberals would care about?
She was riffing on President Obama’s use of the term in August of 2009.
I find it hard to believe that anyone views every minute aspect of their lives through the lens of partisan politics. If she really wants to pretend that every time she orders a steak it’s only to make a hippie cry, she can go right ahead, but I think she’s trolling the universe. I don’t care if she baptizes her grandchildren in a Biohazard Level IV lab full of Ebola, but it annoys me that she treats American politics like it’s a slightly less fun offshoot of professional wrestling.
What? No one is getting all wee-weed up about this?
Thanks. I feel a picometer better knowing it was an off-kilter attempt at topical humor.
I still find it immature and pathetic that she’s making decisions based on her opinion of how liberals will interpret them. Seriously? You let the opinions of people you claim not to take seriously affect your choices, and you admit to it publicly? Her ideological hypocrisy is glaringly obvious to everyone but herself.
I wonder if anyone gave her these?
Where Sarah Palin holds parties is a matter of deep importance to me.
Liberal, WTF is “wee-weed up”, and - is this a baby shower after or before the baby is born? Because exposing a baby’s tiny eardrums to that kind of noise is stupid as hell. (In making this statement, I’m assuming there are no secure, infant-sized headphones to muffle the noise.)
Check my link just above.
Gasp! She threw herself a baby shower?
Or did she just pick the venue? Cuz that’d be okay, I guess–a little out of reach of normal etiquette, but the shower-thrower may have asked where she’d like to be.
You liberal types go all crazy with them thar traditional et…etik… manners bullpoopy.
She was at a shooting range with Palin-spawn. “Wee-weed up”? She needs to downsize her statements and to learn to be more verbally responsible to conform to the will of the people.
For example, “Pull…!” would have done nicely.
You realize that White House Press Secetary Robert Gibbs used this expression first, right? In the link he explains what it means.