Does volume matter

I realize this is a touchy subject, but I’ve just got to know. Why are some men so obsessed with ejaculatory volume? I know that I don’t care about it, and neither do any of my close friends. Are there women out there who care about it?

I have been a guy all my life and was even a soldier, so I have heard every disgusting topic of coversation you can imagine. I have never in my entire life heard a single guy concerned with ejaculatory volume. Not one.

Now, I have certainly heard many men discuss the size, shape, and length of their schlongs, the size and appearance of their balls, and their skill at using their gear in matters of contact with the opposite sex. I have heard men discuss, at great length and in repulsive detail, sexual matters of every conceivable sort, including matters related to ejaculation. Most popular among ejaculation-related topic are preferred locations and spooge-points for the climactic moment, methodologies of containing ejaculation in such a manner as to avoid pregnancy and disease, and matters pertaining to, ummm, consumption, if you get my drift. But all this time I do not recall a single gentleman expressing much interest over ejaculatory volume.

Lol. Consumption. Is there a consumption thread somewhere?

Well, I know the more I have to unload the better it feels but I’ve never been concerned about it as far as impressing the woman goes. That’s just odd.

Does it feel good to the woman when we (guys) unload inside of you? That could be one possiblility if so.


Really? Why? Do other guys feel that way too?

but I’ve never been concerned about it as far as impressing the woman goes. That’s just odd.

It does to me. Though most of that is probably psychological.

Most men I know are more concerned with ejaculatory distance than ejaculatory volume.

I haven’t heard many guys talking about ‘volume’ as important, but I have read a lot of erotica in which that seems to be a very important matter. My impression is that volume of semen IS important to many in the gay community, but doesn’t matter to most hetero guys. Though I have heard some guys seem to obsess a bit about whether they shoot far enough (rather than dribble out).

I’m a guy.

I really can’t physically “feel” ejaculatory distance or volume, as in “Boy, that one went all the way up to my esophagus!” but it’s definitely a more intimate experience when a man comes inside you. I couldn’t care less about the shooting distance or weight of what comes out.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t make it all the way UP to your taste buds.

At the risk of getting into TMI territory here, am I the only male who enjoys the sensation of feeling the ejaculate as it, er, ejaculates? More volume = more ejaculate = more pleasure, as it were…

As for the OP, I think there’s a longstanding social belief that more ejaculate = greater virility, which is often a big plus for guys.

Shit man, I was told my great grandmom died from the Consumption.

I am a het male, but been involved from time to time in the swinging lifestyle, both as a single male, and with girlfriends.

I have known a number of women in that lifestyle who were indeed interested in a man’s, capacity, so to speak. I think that having a large number of partners leads one to compare things that would normally be ignored (FWIW, I can think of only one non-swing girlfriend who professed such an interest). Adult entertainment no doubt also exposes people to things they would never see in real life.

I’ve never discussed this with any gay friends, and don’t think I will (gotta have some inhibitions!)

To the OP: if you can think of a sexual predilection, some number of people in a world this big will likely have it.

Feels better coming out, YMMV. The inside of the urethra is sensitive and having more stuff come out during ejaculation stimulates it more. I noticed this when I had testicular cancer–I cannot verify this medically–it seems like there is less ejaculate and I do feel that it is not quite as good as it was before.

I did once read a medical type thing affirming that more stuff=more pleasure, but I’m not gonna find it at work. I’m not sure what search terms to use to avoid the porn, but I’m sure that with a little patience you’ll be able to find confirmation through Google.

Ok, as long as we are on this subject, lets air some other preferences.

  1. Guys: Is it important for you to ejaculate into your partner’s mouth if she is fellating you?

  2. Guys: Is it important for your partner to swallow?

  3. Women: Do you mind if a guy ejaculates in your mouth?

  4. Women: Do you like it?

  5. Women: Are you willing to swallow it?

  6. Both sexes where is your favorite place for the ejaculate to go?

Here are my answers:

  1. N/A
  2. N/A
  3. No.
  4. Sometimes
  5. Yes
  6. Inside me.

“Shit man, I was told my great grandmom died from the Consumption.”

She co-starred with Peter North, eh?

Since we’re in a polling mode, I’d like to ask the OP:

Did you choose your SDMB username because:

  1. You are a fan of the position

  2. Your lover is a fan of the position

  3. You are a fan of the Minneapolis-based band “Reverse Cowboy”

  4. You are a member of the Minneapolis-based band “Reverse Cowboy”

  5. Other

Um, make that the Minneapolis-based band “Reverse Cowgirl” in my post.

Duh! :Spiff smacks his head:

  1. While my lover and I both dig the position. I chose the moniker based upon its GenerQueer implications.

Ok, as long as we are on this subject, lets air some other preferences.

  1. Guys: Is it important for you to ejaculate into your partner’s mouth if she is fellating you?

  2. Guys: Is it important for your partner to swallow?

  3. Women: Do you mind if a guy ejaculates in your mouth?

  4. Women: Do you like it?

  5. Women: Are you willing to swallow it?

  6. Both sexes where is your favorite place for the ejaculate to go?


6.inside her

  1. Why?
  2. Why not?