Today I had some constipation at a picnic. After many minutes my poo still wouldn’t come out. Then I started sticking my finger up my bottom to try and get some poo out. I then tried to push some more. I’d grab bits of poo and after a while the pushing allowed me to do a bit of a poo. Then I started to wipe my bottom and hands with toilet paper. I noticed there was quite a bit of blood. The public toilets didn’t have a soap dispenser and to turn the tap on I had to use one hand so it was difficult to wash my hands. I apparently took 20 minutesbWhen I got back to the house I used a soap dispenser to wash my hands more thoroughly. I said that my poo went badly and eventually explained why. They didn’t want to know.
But I’ve learnt my lesson… don’t be impatient with poo because you might bleed and that is bad.
BTW readers of this thread might want to post in:
I object to JohnClay’s very existence and everything he stands for
Okay, let’s try to make at least one actual, y’know, helpful comment: There are many kinds of laxatives that work in several different ways, with various degrees and kinds of side-effects, mostly mild. You should look into that. There are certainly some threads here that you could find with a bit of searching, as well as any number of sources of information elsewhere on the web.
TL;DR: Laxatives actually work as advertised, generally.
But note, the kind of crude and graphic discussion given in the OP will more likely just least to dismissive responses in this thread. Do you discuss things like this at Thanksgiving family get-togethers?
JohnClay, you’re under mod instructions not to start over-sharing, TMI threads. We specified you sex life and your relationship with your wife as areas forbidden to you – didn’t occur to us to add your bowels.
Consider your bowels included on the list of things you shouldn’t start threads on.