Don't give me that anti-vegetarian shit.

They could open for Hitler Pinata.

You rule, Dao.


Unless she was out there wrestling gazelle and fending off scavengers for most of her life, I’d say this woman is somewhat confused…

And JellyDonut, this:

is, to put it bluntly, completely false. I provide the following sampling of links for your enlightenment:

Note that I am pointing this out, not because I wish to fuel any sort of vegetarian/anti-vegetarian debate, but because I wish to fight ignorance. And that comment was definitely born of ignorance.

Do you know what I really hate? When people ask me “can you eat this? Can you eat that?” Yes, I am perfectly capable of putting a big 'ol burger in my mouth, chewing and swallowing but that doesn’t mean I will. I know it’s picky but just the words “can you eat this” allude to the fact that i’m not vegan by choice. That I really WANT to eat animal products. I used to correct people, I don’t bother anymore. Or when people WATCH me eat and say “are you sure there’s no animal products in that?” Who the fuck made you the vegan police, huh? I’ve been vegan for five years, I’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s vegan and what’s not. Am I harassing you as you scarf down that Big Mac? No. SO LET ME EAT MY TOFU IN PEACE! I don’t know why meat eaters are so damn defensive. SOMEONE’S not feeling very secure in their carnavorism…

lezlers, personally, I prefer “can you eat this” to “why can’t you eat this?” Uhmm… 'cause I’ll get really fucking sick? Does the phrase “explosive projectile vomit” mean anything to you folks who think Lesath and I are just picky eaters?

In all my life I have never encountered a militant meat eater.

I have, however, had a direct dealing with a militant vegetarian. I was in a resturant where some bitch decided to take issue with an order I had placed.

She was at the adjacent table and overheard my order for veal.

Hell I was in a mood, I wanted a small peice of tender meat, bathed in sauce.

This woman, I would place her in her 20’s early 30’s stood up and asked me if i knew what veal was.

I responded with:" yes , of course I do" "It’s cow meat, specifically baby cow meat.

She asked if I knew of the horrors that baby cow must have lived through before becoming my dinner.

I relied : “I imagine it was similar to the sexual abuse your father gave you.”

In retrospect, I could have replied “no, I have no idea” or simply “no and I don’t care”

But no I had to give the response where the police would eventually be called.

Trouble is, I often do. Okay, I almost always do.

With the consequence that I’ve eaten some odd things. Including a live frog. A plateful of what appeared to be alfalfa. Some wriggly wormlike things that tasted like dirt.I’ve rarely found a bad meal. And I have tofu soup almost every day, I make california rolls and take them to work for lunch, a lot of the time people think I’m a vegetarian. Then I eat a big hunk of rare meat and freak them all out. I reserve projectile vomiting for actual inedibles, like Lava Lamps.

No, don’t even THINK about asking.


NO problem. I have no intention of asking! :eek:

Evil Ghandi: Perhaps the reason you’ve never met a militant meat eater is because you eat…meat? I have met more than a few defensive, borderline militant meat eaters. Who are just SO vexed that I dare not eat meat.

I swear. The next time someone gives me shit about it, I will open my purse, and offer to write them a check. Since, obviously, the only reason they should be so offended is because they own stock in the meat industry, and they feel I have deprived them of some earnings. I mean, there is no tangible reason I can think of why someone else should give a damn what I eat, as long as I am not pestering them about it!

I quote,

“I swear. The next time someone gives me shit about it, I will open my purse, and offer to write them a check. Since, obviously, the only reason they should be so offended is because they own stock in the meat industry, and they feel I have deprived them of some earnings. I mean, there is no tangible reason I can think of why someone else should give a damn what I eat, as long as I am not pestering them about it!”

Does sound like the thought process of a sane person?

Is she really convinced the meat industry is out to get her. Does she really believe that all burger king patrons own stock in the meat industry.

Tell ya what. Ill give ya shit if you write me a check.

First off, could you learn to really use the quote function?

Thank you.

For the sarcasm-impaired, I will clarify.

Some people act so offended that I don’t eat meat, I am tempted to ask them if my not eating meat is somehow taking money out of their pocket. Do they have investments in the meat industry? What can it be that is upsetting them so much? Why are they so offended? If they don’t have some personal investment in the meat industry, I don’t understand how they can take my not eating meat so personally. And yet they do.

Oh, give me a frickin’ break. Do you take everything so literally? Could you not at least first asked “Are you kidding?” if you were unclear?

For Mr. Donut’s benefit, I provide an excerpt of a conversation that two of my friends once had, from my online Quote List:

Bottom line: I’m gonna eat meat. Feel those nice, sharp teeth in your mouth? Y’know, “sharp” as in “pointy-tipped”? Them’s called “canines”. They exist for the purpose of tearing meat and gulping it down.

Lemme repeat that: I’m gonna eat meat. Don’t like it? Then shut yer yap. Don’t think so highly of your powers of persuasion that you’re going to “enlighten” me, 'cuz trust me, most of what you consider to be bad about eating meat, I consider to be good.

You don’t wanna eat meat? That’s just hunky-fuckin’-dory with me. You wanna tell me what to eat? Not okay. Them’s fightin’ words, pal. There are two things you don’t lecture someone about… how to have sex and what to eat. That goes for both the omni’s and the herbi’s.

So the next time you feel like spouting some statistics or quoting some PETA-esque slogan, sing a song, chew some gum, gee whiz, do something aside from "Blah-blah-blah"ing about your standard meal-time shtick. Because EVERYBODY’s heard it, and EVERYBODY’s goddamn sick of it.

And Y-babe, someday, we have to munch on some carrot sticks together. :slight_smile:

Anytime, SPOOFE. :slight_smile:

Being a recent convert to vegetarianism (well, lacto-ova-vegetarianism), I have yet to encounter someone saying such a silly thing to me as related in the OP. But then, I do live in California, where it apparently is more accepted than back on the Great Smoky Mountains when I lived there.

Anyway, how exactly does she know that you don’t ever eat meat unless you told her? Plus, isn’t it remotely possible that she’s ever had a meat-free meal? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches come to mind. You might want to mention to her that you don’t appreciate her asinine comments on your religious practice (if that’s why you chose vegetarianism) or that you are veggie for health and you certainly hope she doesn’t get any of the cancers she’s possibly going to be more likely than you to get since she’s eating all that charred mammal flesh.

Oh, and jelly donut: do some actual research before you try to talk about evolution. Your comments above show you know exactly zero about: 1) Evolution, 2) Vegetarianism, and 3) Reasons why some humans are vegetarians.

It sure is. In fact, this is a line from a song about cannbalism by the great Flanders and Swann. (BTW their entire ouvre is now available on a 3 CD set.)

Chickenfuckers??? Ok, which on of youse guys has been in the chicken coop again?

The arguments I have are a bit like those between people of do/don’t believe people landed on the moon. Each side thinks the other is so stupid we can’t bear it, and end up arguing.

The difference is that these arguments can’t be settled by the equivalent of finding a bit of moon rock and going ‘See?’ because the real difference is moral, not what we evolved to eat. We only don’t because we can’t settle it and wan’t to do something else with our lives.

YMMV, somne people are just jerks who’s opinion I don’t respect (on boht sides).

Um, try again. People are naturally omnivores, not herbivores. Here’s Cecil on the matter

But if we did, would you eat it?

and yosemitebabe I have no idea how anyone could take your comments for anything but sarcastic.

But assuming they weren’t… “Where do you get your protein from?”
You can e-mail me and I’ll be glad to provide a mailing address.

Well, now you have.