So let me get this straight, club members were annoyed by having to view a body during their workouts? And rather than just stop and go the fuck home, they finished their workouts and complained about it later? And rather than just shut the place down temporarily, the management decided that no one would be terribly inconvenienced by a human carcass lying amongst the rowing machines?
“24-hour fitness” indeed. God forbid anyone’s precious workout be interrupted for any reason. What a buncha self-centered assmunchers.
Where in the article did it say that the club members were annoyed or complained? All it really says is that members said they could see it. There isn’t even a quote from anyone saying they were “shocked”.
The owners of the gym should have had more sense and at least closed the place temporarily. Two hours does seem like a fairly long time to have to wait, though. My husband works for a funeral home and has the responsibility of responding to calls to pick up bodies, and even on some of the busiest nights when there’s a lot of paperwork to do, or if the body has to be transported to the medical examiner’s office, it’s rarely more than 45 minutes to an hour from the time of death to pick up.
I agree with In Conceivable, the story didn’t say anything about the mindset of the club members other than that they were ‘shocked’.
Well, it appears someone complained to the press at least, as shown by the fact that the story exists in the first place.
Hey, I’m not all that mad. Just seems to me that if there were dead bodies lying around the gym, I wouldn’t really feel up to going on with my exercising, at least in that location.
I think they had every right to be furious. That’s horrible!
My dad’s a funeral director, and I second that letting a body there for that long is completely unacceptable. If they can’t get someone from the funeral home there, they call a removal service.
Here is a story with a bit more detail. I find it bizarre both that the club just left the body on the floor, and that people continued working out just feet away from it.
I don’t really see the big deal. People die all the time. It would have been nice if the club management moved it to a less visible location, like a broom closet or something.
What a bunch of morons. Didn’t anybody think to rifle through his pockets for his locker key? Who knows what goodies could be had. Heck, maybe a nice car too.
The fact that anyone could just keep on trudging along on their treadmill while a fresh corpse is laying there is beyond me. How callous can you get???
Just imagine it, guy is running on treadmill, fresh corpse is lying on the ground next to him. Girl comes up to treadmill next to him…
Guy: hey Susie, what’s up?
Girl: dude, what the hell happened?
Guy: oh, that guy just croaked over on the 'mill.
Girl: bummer. starts running on her treadmill so how’s it goin’?
Am I the only person who sees something wrong with this picture?
It’s only a corpse. What’s the big deal? You’ll be one too, eventually, would you want your death to stop people pursuing good health? It’s a complete stranger, why should I give a shit? A dead body is just an unutilised meat source. Would you stop your workout to grieve for the contents of a bacon sandwich? How is this different?
Okay, so the corpse is covered. Clearly it looks like a dead, covered body. But, knowing myself, I’d probaly wander in and start my workout without noticing the large lump over there on the floor. And when I did eventually notice it, my first thought would be, “That can’t be the dead body it looks like because the gym just wouldn’t have a covered dead body in it.”
Seriously, I’d mind my business and wouldn’t figure out what it was unless I had to move close to it or people were talking. It’s not like there’s a sign saying “corpse” or it was displayed prominently. I think most people there started their workouts without processing the presence of a body.
Uh, even if the guy was dead, shouldn’t the paramedics have taken him to hospital, where a doctor could pronounce him DOA, and he could be placed in the morgue until the family was notified and an undertaker chosen?
If he hadn’t seen a doctor in the last 6 months an autopsy would have to be ordered too.
Wow. I knew I shouldn’t have checked this thread after waking up. At least I had the presence of mind to make myself a latte first. What a way to start the day. Posts like the above make me very, very sad.
That’s what I’m wondering, too, irishgirl. When someone passes out, you call 911 no matter how slim the chance is of reviving them. Get it to a hospital before it becomes a corpse lying on the ground.