Don't panic - Buffy related rumour

Oh god, I need air, need help, need more Buffy…

This can’t be - No more Buffy after season 7

Hercules The Strong from the ain’t it cool new’s site has just ruined my day, nay my life.

please don’t be true.

Can anyone patch up this Buffy fan’s breaking heart…

So, what, you’d rather the show drag on and on long after it jumps the shark? Because f it runs long enough, eventually it will jump the shark.

Nah, let it be remembered as a great show.

Besides, it will probably be in eternal syndication, so we will always be able to get our Buffy fix.

I hate to see a good show jump the shark.


xander was in australia last week and let it slip that this is so


Maybe I’m over reacting and yes it is best that the show goes out on a high but…

I thought Buffy would be with me forever. For the last 6 years my weekly schedule has revolved around which night Buffy was on.

How can I live without my Buffydose?

I’ve tried Angel,

I’ve tried Dark Angel,

I’ve tried Alias,

I even tried abstinence!

But nothing is the same; life without Buffy would be sadder, less blonde and far less staky. I can’t even make it through the off season with out spoilers.


I’m sure there will be some kind of substitute to take it’s place. We’ve got Ripper to look forward to, and rumors have it that another spin-off may happen after Season 7. I cringe to think of it, but maybe Dawn the Vampire Slayer? They’ve been hinting that she shares the same blood as her sister, and therefore may inherit the same powers (eventually).

Plus - Joss’s Firefly is coming out soon, if it’s made my JW, I’ll watch it!

I’m sure there will be some kind of substitute to take it’s place. We’ve got Ripper to look forward to, and rumors have it that another spin-off may happen after Season 7. I cringe to think of it, but maybe Dawn the Vampire Slayer? They’ve been hinting that she shares the same blood as her sister, and therefore may inherit the same powers (eventually).

Plus - Joss’s Firefly is coming out soon, if it’s made my JW, I’ll watch it!


I knew the show was nearing the end, but there’s only one season left? I just hope it goes out with a great series of episodes that we will be talking about for years to come.

Maybe they’ll make a movie!

Oh, wait…

Where are these rumors about another spin-off? I haven’t heard them.

I’m glad Buffy will be ending, because every good story needs an ending and Buffy’s story has been a very good one.

But I wonder how they’ll do it. In Joss’s comic book Fray it’s been implied that “a 21st-century Slayer” did something so huge, so singular, that all demons and vampires were banished from Earth for hundreds of years.

Obviously that refers to Buffy, and presumably to the climax of the series.

But, after Buffy ends, Angel still needs to continue. Angel is a vampire, and most of his crew’s opponents are demons. So how can that show continue after the other show’s big finale?

I thought Angel’s main foe was the law firm, but I only started watching Angel this season…

Besides, there is lots of evil out there besides demons and vamps… Or they can always use the whole distortion in the space-time continuum thing. Or just regular old TV and movie space-time compression.

Fiver, what fascinating questions, indeed!

Eh, we’ll see.

Anyway, I think it’s good. One more good Buffy season to see the characters become real people with something to live for … that’s what I have my fingers crossed for.

They’ll need it after this season, too.

We do? Last I heard the BBC still had no plans to release it outside the UK.

Well why would they have plans, if the show isn’t even in production yet?

Seriously, in this world the only thing that matter is money. And if there is a way for the BBC to make any money to help defray the cost of production, they will do it. And I’m sure that there is a big enough potential audience that the Beeb will find some American network willing to pay for it. Of course, since it will be a “limited run” type series, I doubt that any of our “traditional” networks will bite. But there’s no doubt that a cable channel will pick it up(FX being the most likely candidate). If not, there’s always BBC America (which the Frinks now have thanks to digital cable).

God, I hope not. I cannot think of a single worse way to ruin the memory of such a great show.

Jonathan the Vampire Slayer… Okay, maybe not. But Jonathan should definitely be in the next season. Please. Please. Please! He was the only member of the Trio with a shred of decency, and he’s so adorable. Please, make him a Scooby!

Considering that Jonathan has made appearances in almost every season of Buffy, I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of him. Especially since the next season will be the last, we’ll have to see some sort of redemption for the li’l nerd.

Plus, I remember reading somewhere that Joss really like writing for him…

How about Willow the Vamp…

Ok seriously. Buffy the show will be gone after season seven. That was Joss’s plan all along.

If that what discussed in Fray does occur, we still could have uber Witch Willow and Super Saiyan Cordelia get together and talk about stuff. Charisma and Alyson together, mmm. That should be worth about four or five seasons alone.