Don't you hate...

And isn’t it maddening when they return to the regular program for the closing credits–and let the next program just get started before they pre-empt again? I sometimes want to throw my TV set out the window… :frowning:

Dougie: Yes, I hate being patronized due to my pregnancy. I certainly do appreciate offers of assistance at times, but there’s a difference between patronizing and *offering help.*I personally (I know some women do have problem pregnancies) am not a precious vessel. Pregnancy happens every day. And I hope my husband doesn’t read this post, because then he’ll start telling me to tie my own damn shoes. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah–Curses, Broiled Again! is one of my all-time favorite books.

I hate it when I try to post to the General Questions and the server is down.

Drivers who, when attempting to turn right at an intersection, only look to their left to monitor the oncoming traffic and never look to their right to see if any pedestrians might be crossing the street. This happens to me almost every day when I walk to work. Inevitably they gun their engine at the first opening in traffic and then slam on their brakes when they see someone crossing the street. Then they act all annoyed as if the pedestrian is doing something wrong. Bunch of hilljacks!

Cody, these must still be babies who haven’t yet learned that self is not the center of the universe. :frowning:

Another such is the vociferous arguer whose main forte seems to be the ability in ibnterrupt you–drown you out–with a loud reply. (Reminds me of a maxim by Cicero: “If you have no basis for argument, abuse the plaintiff.”)

I hate people who don’t know how stop signs work–they are NOT like stoplights, people! You do not get to just follow the person in front of you! YOU have to stop at the stop sign, also.

“The secret of life is, there ain’t no secret, and you don’t get your money back.”

This irritates me to no end:
I don’t own a computer, so I sometimes go to the local community college (I’m an alum) to use a computer in the library basement. I have taken computer courses there as far back as Fall 1970, so I understand that the students using the computers for schoolwork have priority. Fine and dandy. I have no objection to that.
What I object to is a library supervisor who announces that all those not using the computer for schoolwork will have to leave for a few hours, since a class is coming in and all of them will need to use the computers. For God’s sake, couldn’t they post the hours somewhere that everyone can see them? Hey, if I’m just surfing the Internet, or even posting at this website, I am only too glad to defer to a serious student; but, wouldn’t it be better if we knew about the incoming classes ahead of time? It’s hard to get to the school in the first place, and find a place to park, without being driven out after 20 minutes or so by a sudden announcement!
Couldn’t they be a little more civil about it?

don’t you hate posters who change their user names,like that stupid vanillanice,up there?

People who dig up threads that have been long dead. :slight_smile:

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

ahhh well I’ll add to it anyways. hmmm Liars, Cheaters, dishonest people, people who say one thing and do another, people who hurt just for the sake of hurting others and for their own self pleasure and most of all, when popcorn gets stuck in your teeth.

I am me… accept it or not.

I hate it when I try to be a nice guy and open the door for a lady and they get an attitude about it. I mean that really pisses me off. I am just trying to be a nice guy and show some respect, and I get dirty looks or a rude comment. I was going to lunch with a co-worker the other day in my car. Without thinking, I walked over to the passenger’s side first and unlocked the door and opened it for her. Man, she went from 0 - bitch in about 3 seconds. ANYTIME a lady is going to ride in my car I go over and unlock her door and open and close it for her.

I don’t know how you ladies on here are, but when a guy opens the door (car or building) for you he is not trying to take away from your woman’s lib. he is just trying to be respectful.

Hope I didn’t piss anyone off, but I had to get that off my chest.

-Jesus Saves
He passes to Mike Modano. THEY SCORE!!!

Greathouse: I am very serious about women’s lib, but I like it when a guy or a girl opens the door. I think of it as respect.


“Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair…”
Tom Waits

Hate… hmmm strong word… I would list my hates but they seems to change on a minute by minute basis, depending on how soft my heart is at the time of the incident. I hate it when it does that!

I want to be able hold on to my hatreds despite any reason or excuse just like the rest of the gang!

“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas

Hey Great, if the lady in question gets all pissy that you were trying to be nice, she isn’t a lady and absolutely doesn’t deserve your kindness or respect. I feel sorry for men on this issue - I think it’s really wonderful when a gentleman opens a door for me, and I make sure he knows it. Women who discourage this kind of behavior are ignorant cows.

Touché, Story Tyler. I might go this one better: I would ask the woman if she wants assistance. This is analogous to the extreme situation of a blind person wanting to cross the street: You let him/her take your arm to cross, rather than you taking his/her arm. If the woman snaps, “No!”, well, that’s that. She could decline politely; but if she snaps at you–well, that’s no skin off yournose!

I have given up saying anything about this one, because it is so minor, but it still irks: People who say “nauseous” when they mean “nauseated.”

I’m tempted to say “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re only mildly sickening.”

Nauseating and nauseous mean the same thing…at least from the dictionary I’m reading from.

homework. whoever invented it should be dragged out into the street and shot.

Whatever!!! Just don’t screw up my life with your wicked stupid ideas!

(Clutching her auburn curls in despair) Peter, you’re right…they’ve added “feeling nausea” as the second definition in my Webster’s Collegiate. But I was always taught that nauseous meant “disgusting.” That’s still the first definition.

Perhaps what we have is the same syndrome that caused at least one of the major networks to “decide” the new millennium begins in three weeks or so? (If enough people THINK it means that, it must be so…)