Don't you hate...

mmmmm…Auburn locks. Um, well, doesn’t the new millenium start in 3 weeks? hehe

Actually, the consequence of Women’s Liberation is that you are now forbidden to open a door for a lady because she is a lady. You must now also open doors for gentlemen in the same circumstances. Equal opportunity for men going through heavy doors carrying packages!

Huh? No no no. Nauseous does mean “feeling nausea”. The word for “disgusting” is “nauseating”. This is according to my very authoritative Canadian Oxford Dictionary.

To Matt_mcl et al.: Fine and dandy if feminists insist on equal treatment for men and women. I have, in fact, on occasions opened a door for a man, as an expression of simple courtesy. And another thing: If I see a woman with both hands full approaching a door, I may not bother to ask her “May I open the door for you?” even if I know she reads Ms., uses only politically-correct speech and in fact is quite vociferous about feminism and sexism; it would in fact be a stupid question for me to ask–and I will maintain I am right no matter what her reaction to my gesture may be. :slight_smile:

*Byzantine: As to the topic of this thread: I’ve said it before but I hate it so much it bears repeating. I HATE those boom-box cars from hell! I don’t WANT to hear your rap “music” and believe me, I use the word “music” lightly. *

Then you’d really hate Haines Point in DC. It used to be a really nice place to take a riverside walk and to ponder the “Awakening” statue at the south end.

But now, guys with “boom box” cars park all up and down the roadway loop to wash and wax their cars, as well as play their ©rap music at 100+ decibels.

There’s even jerks who drag race here (this road is only rated for 15 mph). One such idiot didn’t make the hairpin turn at the south end, and ran into the Awakening. They had to remove part of it for months to repair it.

I wouldn’t go ballistic on you, but I don’t like it when someone opens a car door for me. It makes me feel like they think I’m helpless. I know it’s just a respect thing, but I don’t like it. ::shrugs:: As for a door into a building, I don’t mind that, and I often hold doors open for people of either gender.

I hate people that talk in the library, particularly if they’re the ones who work there.


“You couldn’t fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.”

To Kyla: Suppose the man has the civility to ask you first, rather than taking it upon hismelf to open the door for you, whether you asked him to do so or not? Hey, then at least you can say, politely but firmly, “No, thank you,” and then go about your business.

Naturalists – but not the REAL naturalists but those who seem to feel that the cure for everything that ails you can be found in a plant that you got to eat and that the roots of all human evil is confined in red meat. I love a good steak, medium rare!

Those trucks lowered to the ground so far that they scrape bottom pulling out of any parking lot, with about $5000 worth of paint, tires, rims and, of course, stereo speakers. They are useless for anything but looking at and I always thought there was a minimum height required for both cars and trucks. Why buy a truck if you’re not going to be able to carry even a paper cup in the back?

Gun fanatics. I own guns also but I still haven’t figured out just what right is given the average hunter to go out and buy a military style rifle that can blow the motor out of a car at two miles or get bullets that penetrate police vests and those which explode on contact. I guess some of these folks like to hunt with stuff that cannot only cut down any tree between them and the rabbit they want, but blow it into mince meat when struck.

People who just HAVE to dump that damn, heavily used, disposable diaper out of their car and onto a rain wet parking lot in the middle of summer – or any other time of the year. I really, really want to thank the makers of those diapers for inventing a new way to disgust me.

The recycling guys who come by to pick up the stuff, who, upon finding some wrong material in the bin you put out, promptly throw it across your lawn instead of leaving it in the damn bin! (I’ll be waiting out there in the morning, fellows.)

To Anomaly: Do you live in California? According to the Cailfornia Vehicle Code, no part of a vehicle except the tires may be closer to the ground than the bottoms of the wheel rims. Sounds like your manufacturer is flouting the law.