"Doom" Question

I was cleaning out my huge stockpile of 3 1/2" diskettes, when I came across my copy of “Doom.” In a fit of nostalgia, I loaded it on my new computer and have been reliving those happy days of blood, gore, and guts.

I remember that there are cheat codes you can type to give yourself special powers. For example, “idkfa” gives you all the weapons and ammo. I can’t remember any of the others, including the all-important God command.

Does anyone remember their old “Doom” cheat codes? This is the original Doom, not Doom II.

Get stuff: IDBEHOLD followed by:

L: Light
I: Invisible
R: Radiation suit
A: Allmap
V: Invulnerable

NoClip (walk through walls): IDSPIPOPD (I think)

All Ammo, No Keys: IDFA

Any more questions?

Plunging like stones from a slingshot on Mars.

Thanks, Frank! You da man!

I think:


Revtim is correct – Noclip is IDSPISPOPD

Allammo + all keys is IDKFA
Allammo only is IDFA

Everyone pretty much got 'em all but here’s a good link. The web is crawling with cheat code sites.

We gladly devour those who would subdue us.

>Allammo + all keys is IDKFA
>Allammo only is IDFA
Yikes. ID is of course the company that made doom, and I had heard from a couple of sources (and it sounds about right) that KFA stood for Kick F–king Ass.

That leaves IDFA looking rather ugly. Maybe it is, or at least should have been IDKA

No, no. KFA stands for “keys and full ammo.”

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

>No, no. KFA stands for “keys and full ammo.”
Pfft. Are you gonna ruin BFG for me too?

In addition to the cheat codes given above, which are typed while you’re in the game, there are also command-line parameters that will customize the game when it’s first started. Some are related to playing in network mode, others can be used to play the game in ways not otherwise available. For example, if you want to cheat by making your character superfast, you can start the game with: doom.exe -devparm -turbo 255

A partial list:


9-2: What command line parameters exist?

    To use most of these parameters, start DOOM by typing:

“doom -devparm <parameter> <more parameters>”. If the “-devparm” parameter
is not needed, the parameter will be marked with a plus (+). Most of these
parameters can be mixed and matched to create different effects. For
instance, typing “doom -devparm -wart 1 8 -record demo01 -respawn” would
record a demo on episode one, level eight, with monster respawn. Lastly,
typing F1 during development mode will allow a 256 color screen capture in
PCX format.

@<filename> Used to read in a command line parm file
-altdeath Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above)
-comdev Unknown
-config <file name> + Reads an alternate configuration file
-control Unknown
-deathmatch + Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode
-debugfile <parameter> Dumps debugging info to debug<parm>.txt
-devparm Puts you in developers mode
-episode <episode> + Starts on episode (1-3)
-GUS Unknown
-GUS1 Unknown
-fast +++ Nightmare mode without respawn
-file <name w/ .WAD> + Allows usage of an external PWAD file
-left ++ Sets up a network terminal for the “left view”
-loadgame <game number> + Starts from a saved game (0-5)
-maxdemo + Specifies the maximum size of a LMP recording
-net <players> + Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players
-noblit Internal bugging switch, useless
-nodraw Internal bugging switch, useless
-nojoy Does not use the joystick
-nomonsters + Starts the game without monsters
-nomouse Does not use the mouse
-nomusic Does not play background music
-nosfx No sound effects
-nosound No sound at all
-playdemo <name w/o .LMP> #+ Plays back a recorded demo
-record <name w/o .LMP> + Makes a demo recording until you finish or die
-recordfrom <0-5> <demo name>+ Records a demo from a saved game
-regdev Unknown
-respawn + Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare
-right ++ Sets up a network terminal for “right view”
-skill <skill level> + Starts on skill level (1-5)
-timedemo <name w/o .LMP> # Calculates the number of times the screen is
redrawn when playing a demo
-turbo <speed 1-255> Increases the speed of the marine
-warp <episode> <level> Warps to episode (1-3) level (1-9)
-wart Unknown

+: Does not require the “-DEVPARM” parameter.
++: If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players.
The three terminals should have the parameters:
“doom -devparm -net 3 -left”
“doom -devparm -net 3”
“doom -devparm -net 3 -right”
Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle
monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration. When you turn your
head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees! This ONLY works with
versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of DOOM.

+++: Must be used in conjunction with the “-WARP” parameter

#: For the “-playdemo” and “-timedemo” options, if you give an LMP file name
of “demo#” (i.e. “demo3”), then that internal demo will be played if the
external LMP file is not found. For example, to play the internal 1.6
shareware demo #2 (multiplayer demo), type “doom -playdemo demo2”.

Hmph, I always thought KFA stood for Killer F***in’ Arsenal.