
I proposed this a while ago, however since I didn’t have enough sufficient space on my computer to continue to play Starcraft. However, I’ve managed to free enough space to play.

That said, who is up for a Starcraft tournament?

An idea of how it’ll go:

Either the saturday after next or the one after that.

8 teams of two.

Maps agreed on between the two teams playing against each other.

Any suggestions/comments would be apprecitated.

Oh, and perhaps we should set up a channel in if possible.

The games would all be noted with a [sd] tag and the game password will be Cecil Adams

Aslan my son says he may know of two young men interested. We’ll get back to ya.

I’d play in a SDMB tourney (might take some futzing to get bnet to work again, but it’d be worth it). I won’t play if they’ll be held on BGH maps though.

Well, ok, I’ll play but under protest. And only because I hate goobers telling me “just because you know you’ll lose!”

I’d be surprised if we managed to get 16 people to play. You might want to advertise in the D2 thread over in CS to drum up some interest.

Great to hear, NinetyWt.

And thanks for the advice, WhiteLightning.

starcraft or brood wars?

i might be interested, but need to know more details

how is the tourney gonna work? we get to pick our teammate? random draw? time of day?

I think there should be a standardized map to play on, or more stringent rules on playable maps.

oh and my “might” play is very unlikely cuz i don’t want to scour to find my cd’s and then install the damned thing. but if it sounds fun, i might pay the price hehe.

Teams would have to be random, if we played it as a 2v2 tourney, which I still have my doubts about getting enough people to pull off. We could get 4 and play it as a round-robin, heh.

I wouldn’t mind if every game was played on LT. But then I’m a ladder whore, so what does that say. We could always go with any Blizzard official ladder map (of any era, hopefully).

Time of day might take some doing. Weekend day might work out best.

But of course the first requirement would be getting the people. Aslan2, do you still have the last thread handy? ISTR that several people expressed interest, maybe somebody (you :D) could email them…

In terms of version, I think bw would be best so that we could play with 1.09B and record the games. If not enough people have bw we could play sc no problem. I never learned how to make m+m work anyway, so I wouldn’t mind.

I just bought StarCraft a couple of weeks ago. I’m almost done with the Zerg missions. It’s great! I love how the Terran Marines are all Italian. “You want a pizza, me boy?”

I’d be in. I’m no pro, but I manage to enjoy myself. Depending on which weekend it is my availability differs, though.

Depending on the day and time, I’d be willing to play. If we’re sticking w/ teams, though, I pity the guy who ends up my partner. I got good enough (a long time ago), that I could beat the computer as often as not, but I have the feeling that if I ever went on, I’d’ve gotten smooshed good.

Well, if it is next week, I would be glad to play. This week I am at a location that sadly has very slow dial-up, but next week, I will have access to a broadband.

Also, try to stay away from the big money maps(although Shared Bases can be fun) , and maybe go with the “Ladder Maps” for this games.

again… SC or BW? meaning Starcraft or the Expansion BroodWars? Totally different strategies between the two…

Does it really matter Madawc? Not gonna play if it’s one or the other?

I’ll partner with KKB, I don’t care. I’ve certainly spent plenty of time already in my life making allowances for inexperienced partners.

Hey Achernar, if you just bought it you must have gotten the Battle Chest with Brood Wars included, right?

I’m in - but I’m pretty awful

Yeah, that’s right. I haven’t installed Brood Wars yet, though. I suppose I should give it a shot?

Yeah, actually I’d counsel against even playing any previous versions if you ever plan to play multiplayer. Enough changes from 1.04 (that’s what they’re releasing as basic sc now, right?) to 1.09b that it will confuse you to learn everything and then have to re-learn a lot of things, some of which are pretty important. My advice would be to install bw and just start there. The singleplayer missions for bw are much better than for vanilla, anyway, although you might play the first few terran ones just to get a feel for the game if you were starting from scratch and you like the idea of a tutorial. Although it sounds like you’re beyond that point.

Really, I’m a font of information about this game. I’ve wasted countless hours upon hours playing it, reading about it, analyzing it, watching it, and learning about it. If you ever have any questions let me know as I’d love to pretend that all that time and knowledge-acquisition wasn’t wasted. :wink:

Or if anybody wants to play a few games out (even against computers, it’s way more fun wtih other people in the game) online, I’d be happy to do that too. Drop me an email and I’ll dig out my discs.

Oh and duh, they added a few units in bw and if you learn the game without learning those units you’ll be totally lost in a bw game. Particularly the dt and lurker changed the complexion of the early midgame drastically.

Sorry for not responding. i havent had acess to the internet for the weekend. plus ive been sick so im not in the best state of mind right now. i’ll try and answer your questions when my head cleard.

I should add that I really need to double check a couple dates.

  1. There’s a Folk Festival of some sort here in WA state. Saltire is trying to get me and AudreyK to go, and it sounds like fun. Might also be this weekend.

  2. In the good news/bad news category, my DSL is getting upgraded. Yippee for more speed at the same price, not so yippee in that service will be down for up to 4 hours.

I believe both will be this weekend. I’ll be back w/ more details anon.