Doperball III

ACK! The icky ball hit me again! Draelin that hurt. Ok, let me put down my beer and cookie and throw the ball towards…

(and while he’s not looking, I sneak out and pants JimSox)

Eddie, who for a change might actually get a legal pass from Draelin. I’ll just lob it away quickly before anything else happens to…

That’s it, I’m out of here, Swampbear has taken my ball twice, that sounds bad doesn’t it? I’ll just steal the ball back from swampbear and…

Well, I guess I can ref, since I did Doperball II.

AH! Right as soon as I got changed into the ref outfit, I got pantsed. Fine! I’ll ref without pants! The score stands at 1-0, team two, who is still waiting on a name from Zebra. Team one has control as swampy keeps getting pelted.

**JimSox5 ** see post 26.

Zebra steals the ball from EtH and runs dramatically down the field. Then he remembers that he needs to go potty and he throws a Hail Mary to…

swampy stands on the sidelines wandering how long it’ll be before JimSox realizes he forgot his underwear and the dang ball hits him in the head again! Dang Edward. I give the ball a big kick and it lands…

Ha! Underwear? I don’t think I forgot. . .

The new ref needs glasses!

: grabs the swampy ball and runs :

My apologies, Zebra. I must have scrolled past that to get to the end of the thread more quickly. Chickens of Bristol it is. Also, team one is on the verge of scoring. . .

Kicks harmless’s legs out before stealing the ball. Looks around, not foul…play ball. The ball is fired towards the offensive zone…

oops, just leg tackled my teammate…still, it’s our ball. Somebody fire that sucker in the goal!

Rule clairification:

Hal said:

Does this little rule only apply after the thrid consecutive pass ( i.e. the ball in scoring position)? Or can you only touch it once between scores always?

Going for the two pointer. . .or maybe three?

Draelin, who has very little work to do this afternoon and therefore can kick some Doperball ass, snags Omniscient’s pass and does a little Interception Dance before passing it off to …

You cannot touch it until either a score or change of possession. That also applies to extra passing points.

Uh-oh. Good question. I figured if a member of the opposing team touched it, it was okay … I may have just ended up in the penalty box. Crap.

CandidGamera, who cleverly distracted Draelin with a picture of Tom Welling wearing only far-too-tiny Superman underoos. Making his way back towards Team One territory, it’s handed to…

I pick up the ball from CandidGamera, then I drop-punt the ball downfield to…

Damn him for knowing my weakness! ::shakes fist at CandidGamera’s retreating form::

Nope…still my ball…woo!

Still looking to make an assist to my homies. CandidGamera or Scuba_Ben I’m looking your way…