Since Rubystreak is dribbling, and that’s unsightly, I offer Rubystreak a coupon for Depends undergarments, take the ball, and after a quick antiseptic wipe pass the ball to…
(Insert Team 2 Member in scoring position here-HINT HINT)
Since Rubystreak is dribbling, and that’s unsightly, I offer Rubystreak a coupon for Depends undergarments, take the ball, and after a quick antiseptic wipe pass the ball to…
(Insert Team 2 Member in scoring position here-HINT HINT)
'fraid not. Shai’tan snatches the ball from danceswithcats, douses it in lighter fluid, and sends a flaming projectile hurtling towards…
Priceguy, who steals the ball, extinguishes the fire with a flick of his wrist, and then immediately proceeds to drop it into the waiting hands of…
Captain Carrot snatches the ball from Priceguy and slips it into the warm embrace of …
Dangit! Who tossed this icky ball into my beer cooler. I told you people I’m only here to watch the game, drink beer and ogle doper men’s butts! Kicks icky ball out of the way and just for the heck of it sneaks up behind Captain Carrot and pantses (pants’?) him.
The crowd goes wild as Kotick enters the field and catches the kick from Swambear, but lo, Kotick stumbles and fumbles the ball to…
Priceguy, who snatches it up with ballerina-like grace and races towards the goal with the scurvy scallawags of Team 1 hot on his trail. In a desperate bid to score, Priceguy throws a beautiful spiral towards…
To Kotick, who trying to make up for the fumble by cathing the throw from Priceguy, actually scoooores!
I believe not; I believe the three teammates have to be three different teammates. Anyone? Strinka?
The rules say “three consecutive teammates”, not that they have to be different (not that you can pass to yourself). I say we take the point and kick off again.
I take that to mean 3 separate people. We definitely need a ruling from Strinka
Nope. You can’t touch the ball again until either the other team gets it or your team scores.
So, Priceguy was the last to touch it.
Priceguy, hey, I’m open! Pass it off to me! I’m not dribbling anymore, I’ve wiped my chin! (gives danceswithcats a wedgy as I run past)
Dangit Priceguy, you missed Rubystreak and the icky ball almost knocked my beer right outta my hand. Plus it touched me! ICK! Nudges icky ball back out on the field where…
I yank it back from swampbear and hurl it wildly to…
Priceguy again, freaking determined to score a goal one of these days. To confuse and disorient the opposing team he dons a day-glo harlequin costume before running downfield straight into…
AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! You almost knocked over my beer can pyramid. Watch it will ya! Anyways, I kick the icky ball out of my way and it heads towards that little net thing…
…Kotick, who is to busy reading the rules to notice Priceguy who comes crashing like a runaway freighttrain **** and the ball bounces to…
Rubystreak, wondering if **Kotick’**s pass is good because he mentions Priceguy but not swampbear, decides to clear things up by snagging the ball back. So regardless of who had it, now I have it. I hope. Strinka will be along presently to clear it up, I bet.
Well, it’s alright with me if Kotick prefers to be called “the little net thing”.