Dopers I'd like to meet (but probably won't)

Same to you:)

I’d love to meet you too, Shirley.

In addition to those I’ve “met” off the boards (but not irl), I would like to meet Baker and BuckleberryFerry.

Oh yeah, and that really pretty chick with the major hooters. (You know who you are)

Aww shucks. I’ve been noticed. ::giggles uncontrollably:: What’s funny about this is recently whilst surfing the boards I thought to myself, “You know, that JuanitaTech rubs me the right way. I think I like her, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve liked someone I’ve never even had a conversation with.” Looks like we have similar tastes. I’m also fairly keen on:
you with the face

Others who I think are peachy keen:
cisco Hi Cisco!

Recenly became fond of:

because they were willing to hear me out first before jumping down my back.

Dear Lord, I had no idea my list was going to be that long. I had four people in mind originally, then more just came pouring in. There may be more that I just can’t think of right now.

Q.E.D. cuz he sounds real smart-like.


Just to meet the woman that selflessly devotes herself to this board.

Hey, Miss Magic8Ball, I’d like to meet you, too!

Also all the other teenage Dopers, because I think we would all really get along.

Oh, and matt_mcl, because he makes me laugh.

I know all the cool dopers!

Wait, no I don’t. The following dopers I suspect I won’t meet anytime soon (b/c of distance, etc.) , but really want to (and I already know I’ve missed a bunch):

Johnny LA
Auntie Em
Audrey Levins
Manda Jo

Damn, I forgot four of my favorites:

Steven Wright

Definitely everyone on the above lists!!! Also HoneyDew in case someone didn’t list her.

Oh my God! I made it onto one of the legendary Doper Lists! does brief victory dance

[sub]Er…hey…it’s not that I don’t have a life or anything…[/sub]

Thank you, OxyMoron. I’d like to meet you too. :wink:

Wow! So many surprises in one post! Meanie giggles! :eek: And, you picked me! Careful, girl. I am a man, you know. But, oddly enough, you were on my list, when I came into this thread. Another surprise. :stuck_out_tongue:

And, I’m honored to be included in a list that also includes Q.E.D.. I agree, he’s one of the guys I’d like to meet. Although, I suspect he might be too hyper to sit down and have a conversation. He’d probably be twitching to get back to GQ. :wink:

Other guys I think would be interesting to meet;
//\etalHead (or however he does that)
Urban Ranger

Among the ladies, well, there are so many, and I hate to leave anyone out, but to keep the list short, I’d also like to meet CanvasShoes. And, play NIN’s Closer to God for her. :smiley:
And, in no particular order (mostly);
Searching For Truth
Kungfu Lola
Audrey Levins
(Now you’ve made the list twice!) **
Plus a handful of ladies who no longer seem to visit the board.

i missed XJETGIRLX off my list :smack:

i have a feeling that a drunken debate over politics would happen - plus i owe her a tank :wink:

inherited from Ridcully:

A tendency towards a University Career
Talent in the Arcane Arts (okay physics - but its Arcane to me :slight_smile: )
An appreciation of Beer
An appreciation of Condiments
Wild over-optimism (it’ll only take you ten minutes! :wink: )
Leadership skills (lets face it, at BrumDope you were Ridcully and the rest of us were your faculty. :smiley: )

inherited from Granny Weatherwax:

The amorous attentions of a member of University Staff
Good looks (don’t forget Granny was meant to be pretty passable when she was young)
the ability to fix people with :::the look:::
And Davebear mate, i’m incredibly dull in real life - unless you are interested in computers, obscure historical/movie trivia or the state of modern british drinking culture.

I’ll let you off in that case then :wink:

::blushes at mention of good looks and intelligence in a description of me without a negative::

But, but Fran’s our leader…

Collounsbury. Seriously.

It would have to be in a dusty souk, though.

JuanitaTech rubs everyone the right way.

Oh, wait…

Wow, I’m absolutely staggered at how big this thread got and how quickly! So many new names have been suggested in people’s lists that I can’t keep track. Let’s just say that there are way more of you wonderful people than I could ever hope to meet. If some of you non-UK Dopers could ever make it to a UK Dopefest, then I promise to make it too.
Angua - My favorite Pratchett novel has to be a toss-up between any of the Guards ones and possibly “Mort”. Oh, and any loud girl who’s willing to show off her nice underwear is okay in my book! Tell me more and I’ll send you a beer. Failing that, I could always ask Garius to dish the dirt…:wink:

Bibliovore, I’m funny? Damn have to change that. Don’t want people to laugh at me.

Well, you’d certainly get the shits… :smiley:

I’d like to meet a ton of people, and I’m going to miss a bunch but I’ll list them anyway:

Fairy Chat Mom (again. Meeting FCM is like going to a really good Broadway show, once just ain’t enough)
Rue, of course.
Ellen Cherry

Aww dammit. I’m not doing this. I’m bound to offend someone. Let’s say that those listed above plus the rest of you guys.

Biblovore, glad to see you have good taste (regarding Pratchett novels) :slight_smile: I’d have to go with Guards! Guards! or indeed any of the other guards ones.

Oh, and the underwear thing? this thread for the details, and Tir’s webpage for some of the photographic evidence. :slight_smile:

Thought I’d beest get in with this before Garius tries to defame me :wink: