Dopers keeping tabs on other Dopers... The DopeFiles.

I recently heard how many of you keep files that you update whenever a Doper mentions his/her birthday. I know it doesn’t stop there!!! What other information are you guys keeping track of? Location, political views, marital status, likes/dislikes, occupation, kids, … who’s go the largest Doper File?
And to those of you who are keeping track. What information do you have saved about me?

That your nickname is Beer_Nipples. :smiley:
Oh, and you’re in Florida.

That you have an interesting family…

That if I go to one of your family reunions, I shouldn’t expect to find any salt on the table.
And the bucket of what I think is old rainwater is actually Gatorade.
Put there on purpose. For the children.

I’ve also filed away a tidbit about harmless. She hates popcorn, soda and Kool-Aid, but loves Kahlua and Bailey’s.
Just like me.

She must have very discerning tastes. :slight_smile:

Now I’m curious about wha t people have on file about me! :eek:

I, on the other hand, know exactly nothing about Bear_Napples, weddings, cars on blocks, piles of tree stumps, rednecks who squander settlement checks, northern Florida in general, or children dipping Gatorade out of a bucket with the cap off a bottle of Sprite.

And I guarandamntee nobody here knows anything about me, and I like it that way.

I don’t keep a file, but I have a good memory.

For instance, TeaElle, you were once tlw, who lived in BTB, BPC, NYC. I got the BPC (Battery Park City, no?), but I never got the BTB. You’re a lawyer, right?

Other Dopers with whom I interact (BiblioCat, JavaMaven1, et al., I remember more – Bib’s a teacher in Maryland (kindergarten, right?), and Java lives in LA County with her husband and is a cook by trade).

Some more that come to mind: Astorian lives (puzzlingly enough) in Texas, not Astoria. Bear is really the IRL name our OP uses. I remember some of the gay male Dopers, (like gobear, Homebrew, Mockingbird, Hamish, matt_mcl, panache45, swampbear, Brandus, SolGrundy, DMark). I remember the genders of most of the Dopers who use ambiguous or misleading names. Just bits here and there. And of course, I remember most of the Dopers who live near me – Ravenous Lady, bittersweet, Bear_Nenno, Amp, Gamaliel, BrainGlutton, Lucretia / Bluesman, Shibb_Oleth (whose name I always format incorrectly), Second Star to the Right, and Dan Turk (cheating a little, since he lives with me).

And Bear Napples is somehow related to the Beverley Hillbillies. And his mother uses salt whereas he doesn’t.


Jeeze, the mind plays wierd tricks. I was all set to make a snarky comment about J. Edger, and all I can hear is Ralphie Wiggum: “Miss Hoover???”

I bookmarked a bunch of posts by Ryan_Liam for the purpose of putting together a humorous post about how a newbie should not behave. But it came off as being more cruel than humorous, so I never posted it.

The family wedding thread definitely put Bear_Nipples on my map.

As a result of the “Attention Ho” thread, I now know an awful lot about harmless.

Who told you I was gay?!? I thought I’d been doing a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps.

A friend told me: “I’m glad that you didn’t just come out of the closet, but burst out, tripping over the doorjamb and banging your head on the closet door.” Ah well. The novelty will wear off soon, hopefully.


you guys are freaking me out.

I read the posts of twickster when I see them, because, as we discovered, we share the same birthday. Day and year, we are exactly the same age. No, go figure it out yourself. But it’s easy. We are three days younger than Denzel Washington.

You say that like it’s a bad thing. :smiley:

Now I want to know what you people know about me. So dish!

All I know is you’re way too young for me to be having this recurring fantasy about you, a swimming pool full of lime Jello, and a lemur on a leash.

I may have said too much…

Baker is a prison doctor, Vivalostwages lives in Kansas City, SkipMagic has met Phred Phelps, and **Quodqop the Mercotan is a part time English professor married to Aunti Em.
I may have a few things mixed up…

I know you’re an Attention Ho wanna-be, with a penchant for aluminum foil who is currently going insane.