Even after I login, the SDMB asks me to login again. For example, i will login at the first opportunity and the website acts as if it has acknowledged. Yet, when I go to start a new thread immediately after that, the SDMB will ask me to login (again)! Why? Is it a disconnect between webpages?
You should feel lucky I get kicked off every time I hit a button and IE stops working and whenever I’m not logged in due to something in the advertisements. I’m in a spiral productivity at work.
Took me 4 logins to post this:dubious:
It’s been happening to me a lot and I am on Chrome.
It’s been going on for weeks now actually.
See: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=16364735#post16364735
I think it’s officially time the board gets closed down for an extended period of time. Way too many issues. Seriously, even if it’s for a few days. I’d be very willing to sacrifice a few days of posting on the Dope in order to get all these issues resolved.
Without a plan to address the issues, shutting down the servers won’t do anything useful. The problems will start back as soon as we are back up. If the issue is capacity (and it seems to be) there needs to be a plan to get more resources. In the meantime I’d rather have the servers remain up and mostly useful.
For what it’s worth, I haven’t seen this problem at all. It may be that something happened with the server that corrupted a bunch of people’s cookies and you need to explicitly delete them (logging out with the log out link usually does the trick) so that a new non-corrupt cookie can be generated that will actually store the fact that you’re logged in.
tl;dr version: Hit the log out button.
Not so. I ALWAYS delete ALL cookies whenever I close my browser, or close any web site I’m on and go to another site. I have by browser (Firefox) set up to allow cookies only from specific sites that I choose, and even those are ALWAYS set for session-only.
I experimented for a while with deleting any SDMB session cookies, which I thought for a while was the solution, until it wasn’t. As the problem has been getting more and more severe and frequent, that “solution” has clearly proved to be illusory.
Same here. Started in the last week or so–I’m not certain because I don’t log in unless I want to post, and I usually just read/lurk. I’ll log in to respond, be sent to the log in page when I click “Preview Post”, and again when I click “Submit Reply”. I’ve cleared cookies already. I’m guessing I’ll I see the log in screen three times–twice when I preview then post this, and again when I ETA to say that two of three are confirmed.
The preview didn’t require a log in, but the edit was unavailable to me (as it was yesterday). When I tried to edit (well within the window), I received the error message: “You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.” It took another two log ins to compose this post, and I imagine another before it actually posts.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I’m using Google Chrome Version 27.0.1453.110 m on a Sony Vaio running Windows 7.
Trouble logging in or staying logged in?
I posted a kinda-sorta-partial workaround here.
Although I’ve experienced various other commonly reported problems lately, I haven’t had any issues whatsoever with being logged out, either.
sitchensis’ post gave me the sneaking suspicion that the people having that problem are not running AdBlock of any kind, and something in the ads is what’s causing that particular problem. (and possibly some others, as well)
Is anybody that’s running FireFox with AdBlock having problems with logging in/out? It’d be telling if not.
I am running FireFox without AdBlock or any other add-ons. But I do not see any ads. How? Two ways: (1) I run my browser with JavaScript disabled at all times except when I really need it, which prevents nearly ALL ads on SDMB and greatly reduces ads and all kinds of cruft most everywhere else too, and (2) a certain few sources of ads that get past that ( www dot adfusion dot com for example), I’ve blocked by adding lines for them in my /etc/hosts file.
Between these two configurations, I get no ads at all on SDMB.
And yet, I’m having lots of trouble with logging in. In fact, I reported the problem here on ATMB as far back as January, and soon after that a few others reported it too. But it’s suddenly gotten far worse in recent weeks, along with all the other problems.
I have this problem from time to time. It was pretty awful yesterday, but then so was everything. I do clear cookies regularly, although I didn’t in the midst of having to sign in again every two mins. It didn’t tell me I was being logged out, but I saw in the upper right corner the “sign in” blanks rather than my name and data.
So much for that theory, but damn, you do stuff the hard way. Me, I just use AdBlock, NoScript, and Ghostery - bingo, bango, bongo.
And at the risk of totally jinxing myself, I have NEVER had a problem with being logged out. (and I never logout manually) The only times I’ve EVER had to log in is with a new device or browser, which is infrequent enough that it usually takes me a bit to remember my password in those cases.
Well, to put a positive spin on it, a great many of us are certainly getting plenty of practice in remembering our passwords! I got to practice it [del]FOUR[/del] SEVEN times just to enter this post!
Just wanted to say that I turned on “Active X” and cleared my cookies and my browser issues seem to have been resolved. I’m not sure about the logout issues.
I’m getting logged out just about any time I click on anything that opens/loads a new page. This is getting really fucking aggravating.