I have a problem. It just so happens that my doctor is my husband’s best tennis pal. At times I feel confused at how I should behave in front of this human being due to the fact that only hours before he has seen me in some provocative positions. We are talking gynocologist. Gyno, pussy doctor, baby doctor. Oh don’t get me wrong. I could change doctors. But for some reason I get a sudden turn on by the fact that this guy that we are sitting with at dinner knows me like no other man besides my husband. I look at him across the table and wonder if he sees me, or the woman lying on his examining table. I try to engage in interesting conversation, but my thoughts still return to the private office visit we had just hours before. Should I smile innocently at him? Innocent!!! He has just seen me at close range with my legs spread eagle. Should I act intelligent? For some reason I don’t feel a necessity for stimulating conversation. I feel the electicity. I stare deeply into his eyes. He is my doctor, my confidant, my husband’s best tennis pal…
Perhaps you could give the man credit for being a professional? Do you feel odd meeting your accountant in a social situation? Most assuredly, your doctor has a more mature attitude towards the human body than you have.
(Off-topic semi hijack: Is it unethical for a married gynecologist to continue looking up old girlfriends?)
Sorry, no input. I just liked the thread title.
Dear Penthouse Forum,
I never thought something like this could happen to a guy like me…
I’m moving this thread to the Penthouse Forum. Er… waitaminnit, we don’t have one. Whoops! Carry on.
Je vous aime, OncleBiere parce que vous êtes drôle.
With the direction some of these threads are heading, maybe we should have one, Uncle Beer.
I’d like to nominate Izza for the most ahh… memorable debut on the SDMB.
My father, as some of you know, is a nurse, and while this isn’t exactly like being a doctor, I think the point will suffice.
When he examines women to see if their parts are all in their upright and locked positions, etc, he doesn’t consider them flesh and womanly stuff, he considers them people and patients. He looks at a pair of breasts and sees them as mammary glands, not nipples he can suck on.
The point is that your doctor, when he’s examining you, is examining you as a medically licensed professional, not as your husband’s tennis partner.
Let us know if he starts inspecting you without a glove.
Didn’t you forget “I am a student at a small midwestern college…”
You know, considering we have a “SDMB Soap Opera” thread, can a “SDMB Penthouse Letter” thread be far behind??
Well now, this is an interesting turn of events.
This isn’t one of Bronzelion’s ‘doctor’s’ is it? You know the ones with the long football player legs, yadda yadda… If so, be wary of inviting him to pick you up at your office for lunch.
Looking up…oh, I get it. Exactly what sort of a doctor are you, anyway?
This is a situation called transference, wherein the patient begins to develop feelings for the physician (goes back to Freudian analysis). If he developed feelings for you, it would be counter-transference. And he could be headed for big trouble:
The case law seems pretty gray in this area, but you never know how things are going to end up. Please keep this strictly in the realm of fantasy, if you must keep it at all. You might even consider switching to a different doctor just to play it safe.
So, Scylla, have you noticed your tennis buddy sniffing his fingers a lot? Perhaps your wife stuffing his balls into his shorts pockets? Maybe he’s asked you for specific advice on your “stroke?”
So what’s the verdict? Does she have Scylla’s sense of humor?