Drudge Report Obama photo

There’s a photo up right now on The Drudge Report of the President (back to the camera) getting mobbed by an adoring crowd and hugged by a young woman with Ugly Betty hair and glasses. This is chillingly identical to an old Clinton photo where he’s getting hugged under identical circumstances by a young woman who, a few years later, turned out to be Monica Lewinsky. Anyone think this young lady might have a comparably interesting backstory?

Here is the Clinton photo. Mods: If you feel this thread is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it elsewhere.

What on earth would make you think that?

Based on the coincidental pose?

Um… no.

Bring real evidence; I’ll listen. This? not even on the same continent as the word evidence.

So, what sort of “backstory” are you asking about here? Do you think Obama has already had an affair with this young lady and it just hasn’t come to light yet?

I’m gonna need more than this picture to jump to that conclusion.

Don’t know, don’t care. I didn’t care about Monica Lewinsky either. The vilest thing in that whole affair wasn’t Clinton or Lewinsky; it was the behavior of the Republicans. Hypocritical, dishonest, intrusive, barbaric. It was a shining example of why the Republicans deserve nothing but hatred and contempt.

‘Because something that looked kind of like that happened with this other guy, I mean, don’t jump to conclusions, just trust your own eyes’…and that’s how Fox news and Drudge ‘report’

If you can imagine it, it must be true.

It is obvious they are having an affair. The hug is proof. Nobody can doubt it by looking at the picture.
Now I have to run my defrag after going to Drudge.

“A young woman with Ugly Betty hair and glasses”?

Come on, this is Barack Obama. He could do better. If he commits adultery, it’ll be with lingerie models and cheerleaders.

Now show me Obama in a picture that looks like this and we’ll talk.

What more evidence do you need? The EXACT same pose. Same camera angle. Both women have the exact same look on their faces. Plus, both Obama and Clinton are democrats as well as Presidents. Oh, and they are both the first black president! :slight_smile:

You stole my line. I don’t know how you did it, but you read my thoughts, you glorious bastard!

Yes. And right now I’m reading your e-mail and cleaning out your savings account! :slight_smile:

No worries, once the republicans take control of the House and/or Senate this will be investigated fully.

The striking similarity between the photos is notable, and I’m noting it.

When I first saw the Clinton one, circa 1998 (It was in a year-end issue of one of the major news weeklies; I apologize for not having a better cite. It was a file photo that predated the scandal and was noticed some time after the fact) the editor wrote that “It was obvious that these two had some kind of history.” And now a virtually identical picture has come to the fore. I sincerely want nothing but better days for the President and his presidency, but I think at the very least we’re going to hear some more about this particular woman.

Well, that’s irrefutable evidence then.
By the way, did the Drudge photo have some sort of headline that suggested something was going on between them, or is this just something that you yourself pulled out of your own ass.

Evidence of an affair?

Sure looks like it.

Link? Please?

Of course! The “Hands on” (i am not joking) link takes you to the article that has nothing to do with the pic.
