Dude! You're eating cat litter!!

This isn’t the same commercial I’ve been seeing on the TV lately but it still makes the same point.

Stop eating kitty litter on my TV you loons!


I bet with a few pounds of pale two row malt and some Mt. Hood hops I could make an awesome beer with that.

Pound for pound, is it cheaper than Grape Nuts or Oatmeal?

Is it normal to use a glass casserole dish for a litterbox? I’ve been using these big plastic tubs for years. Am I the only one?

I wonder if anyone ever advertised non toxic crayons by eating them, or non-toxic markers by sniffing them…

Not good. This just means that the kitty litter would run out twice as fast in my house.

Damn, and I thought the Smart Mop guy was gross.

“Dude! You’re eating cat litter!”
“Well, yeah, but the vet said if the cats weren’t in it when we ate there wouldn’t be any major injuries.”

No way! He didn’t even swallow. I bet that he just held it in his mouth until the end and then spit it out.

I was expecting him to chew a mouthful based on the OP. How disappointing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Real cat litter has cat poop in it.

What’s wrong with that? :wink: