My sister sent me an early holiday gift, this year, a collection of heirloom beans from a company called Rancho Gordo:
Domingo Rojo
Alubia Blanca
Midnight Black
Royal Corona
Christmas Lima
(I am not a fan of Lima beans, but sister says “these are different, try them” so I will)
Now, a box of beans might seem to be a weird gift, but we’re both trying to acquire less “stuff” to clutter up our lives and beans are a healthy and (hopefully) yummy goodness. She knows I like cooking with heirlooms and rare varieties, and I’m trying to do more with beans. So it’s a great gift for me.
The fact that this company is trying to buy from indigenous farmers and promote genetic diversity in crops is a bonus.
I’m a little surprised how enthused I am about this.
(She’s getting a custom-mix of chocolates, mints, nuts, and chocolate-nuts and chocolate-mints from me)
If you are interested you might try the black bean recipe below. I made this and it was really good. Dirt cheap too. Only downside is it takes a while (soaking the beans and whatnot) but there is nothing difficult about it. Also, you can tweak it endless ways to suit what you like.
Yeah, that looks intriguing, except for the floor polish cilantro - yeah, I’m one of those people. 
The other thing is I’m going to try to cook LESS than a pound of beans at once - I’m only one person and I can only eat so much of anything. Some of us singletons eat beans, too, not just folks cooking for large families or small armies! Yeah, yeah, I know they freeze, but I have a small freezer, too.
Since family was in town for Thanksgiving the decision was made to exchange gifts in person. All Christmas, Hanukah, belated big (0-year) & recent birthdays have now been bought, wrapped, given, opened, & now even (somewhat) put into their new homes, I made out with some cool ones!
Tell us! Tell us! What did you get?