Inspired by…well, this type of post…, I thought we could do this intentionally.
The idea is to pick key words from the previous post and make is something inflammatory or just wrong. For example, if I posted:
I hate how everything is black and white. People should see things as gray sometimes. A good response would be:
I can’t believe you would post something so inflammatory about an entire race of people. People that have made so many good contributions to this board (or something of that sort)
Get it?
Good, the first post will be:
I have had many opportunities to have conversations with persons of the opposite sex, of other backgrounds, and of other faiths. I feel all are my sisters and brothers. I love the experience and hate to think that I could may not be able to have the same experience again.
I would kill to be able to travel the world and meet more people of different races and beliefs.
However, one should not think that I’m into incest. In fact, I love to hate the people like that Austrian pervert-father who kept his daughter locked up. I don’t know how people can get aroused at the thought of their relatives. It’s bizarre how people say “I think I’ll seduce my sister.” I just don’t get the logic, especially since most of my relatives do nothing for me, even on a physical level.
This should be in The Game Room, so I’ll move it there for you. We do, however, have a rule against misquoting another user when using the quote tags; so, even if it’s a joke or part of a game, please do not change the text when quoting another poster.
If you’d like to continue the game, be sure to use plain old quotation marks and not the quote tags.
SkipMagic: “This should be in The Game Room, so I’ll move it there for you. We do, however, have a rule against misquoting… a joke…
Please do not change… another poster.”
Sheesh, why not have a sense of humor about these things? And why would I go about trying to change other posters? I like them the way they all are! Everyone should be allowed to be themselves here on the Dope, it’s not my responsibility to go around trying to force others to confirm to my views on the matter!
You’ve got a lot of nerve with your flapping your insinuations all about willy-nilly like some… some power hungry poster changer!
Please don’t smite me, O kind Mods, but someone had to do it!
“… why … have a sense of humor …? … why would I … change … ?”
“Please…smite me,… Mods”
I spent part of today at the Paley Center in NYC attempting to request a dub to be made of some currently unviewable programs in their collection. The programs I requested are ones that are in none of the standard reference books, and could be of value for research purposes. All I had to do was fill out a very short form. With any luck, I will be able to view them in a short period of time, and offer a report on them to someone I know who has an interest in the programs, but is in no position to view them himself, due to geography and time constraints.
This, of course, assumes that everything thing goes according to plan. If it doesn’t, I really have nothing else to say, as it’s not like I’m in a position of control, and I have other things to do in the short and long terms.
“Everyone should be … on … Dope, it’s … my responsibility to go around trying to force others…”
Okay, hippie, whatever. Keep advocating illegal activity and violence and you’ll be banned. We’re watching you like a hawk and will do anything necessary to preserve law and order. We won’t be lenient under any circumstances and will briskly escort every offender from the premises and keep him from coming back, even if it includes taking his phone jack away and covertly subbing a wet noodle for the real McCoy.
Quote=the Swine “I figured you for a man getting married, by the way,so you are out[ed]”
Not that there is anything wrong with that. Hell, in Boston it is legal. I do object to the fact that one man can only be married to a woman in most states and Provinces. Hell, there are children that I must explain this to that love knows no gender and that sex is ok between consenting adults.
Sometimes I think that there should be more of a debate about Marijuana who should smoke marijuana then about who should be allowed to be a couple.
SSG Schwartz:Not that there is anything wrong with… the fact that one man can only be married to… children… I must explain… that [the] sex is ok.
Sometimes I think that there should be more of a debate about… who should smoke marijuana then about who should be allowed to… couple… SSG Schwartz"
Jeez, you’re just as bad as the first guy up there!
I see right through your Straw men debates on Marijuana! The REAL issue here is not who’s smoking the ganja, but instead who’s smoking the pole!
I don’t care if the Schwartz is strong in that one, but if it’s under 18, you shouldn’t be doing anything with them, you pervert! It’s people like you that give trouble to all the law makers out there. Just going around flaunting your actions like that here on the Dope, We have RULES, you know! I’m up for freedom of speech as much as the next guy, but jeez, buddy, keep your hands to yourself! It should be “Get off my lawn, you damn kids!” *not * “Get off *on *my lawn, you damn kids!”
Sheesh! :rolleyes:
My daughter…and I…I am…bad…and generally I feel miserable.
Wow, what kind of people are you? I don’t shock easily, but I haven’t been this shaken up since Hal Briston declared his affection for sheep. Whatever happened to the idea of “the love that dare not speak its name”? At least you recognize there’s a problem; that’s the first step.
El Kabong: Wow, what kind of people…shock easily…since Hal Briston declared…at least you recognize there’s a problem; that’s the first step.
What is Hal. The Straight Dope’s 12 Step Recovery Program? The man may have a point, but leave the poor dude alone. I hear he has some of his own problems.
Annie-Xmas: What is … The … 12 Step Recovery Program? … I … has some … problems.
In the name of pity, it seems to me that there is a huge alcohol and drugs problem going on here. I don’t want to throw any stones at anyone, gay or straight - people have their own lives to lead - but I do think that there is some sorting out of lives needing to be done, for God’s sake!
Governor Quinn: I spent part of today…attempting to request…unviewable…reference books…for research purposes…With any luck, I will be able to…offer…someone I know…constraints. This, of course, assumes that…I’m in a position of control…
IMHO, you are an example of the wonderful diversity on the SDMB that makes many a visitor freak out, whereas long-time posters such as I get great satisfaction reading the views (and occasional thrashing) of the kind of folks I’d normally never meet while walking around town, watching TV news, or talking to various men, women, and children in my area.
Beware of Doug “IMHO, you are…wonderful…SDMB. Long-time posters such as I get great satisfaction…thrashing…folks I’d…meet while walking around in town…various men, women, and children in my area.”
Good Og, what in the hell’s wrong with you? We all love the Dope, but are you suggesting that it holds some kind of mind control? I value your contributions to this fine place, but if it’s affecting you to the point where you feel the need to assault random people you meet on the street, maybe it’s time to lay off reading the internets, eh? That’s just totally unacceptable, and I’ll be reporting your post to a Mod.
freekalette “We all love…mind control…where you assault random…reporting”
That is so true! It’s so cool when those mentalists get negative on the paparazzi reports. It’s about time those clowns were tricked with ESP to leave their lens caps on and microphones off.