Emoticons and the Quick Reply Hack

Sorry if this has been asked recently - a cursory search didn’t bring up anything - but I was curious if or when the broken emoticons (dubious, smack, wally, and jewish man) that have been down since the upgrade would be fixed. It’s no big deal and I understand that there’re a ton more things that need to be dealt with before this but I’m pretty fond of the dubious emoticon and have missed it the past couple months.

Similarly, are there any plans to put the quick reply hack back in? It’s something I was reliant on pre-upgrade and I’ve grudgingly accepted it’s no longer around but would be thrilled to see it back.

I think that the techs are STILL finding and squashing bugs. I haven’t heard anything from them lately, though, so I could be wrong. Squishing bugs is our first priority.

If it makes you feel any better, I hope that we can put the quick reply hack back in ASAP too. I’m not a technical type person, though, so I can’t do it myself.

It would only take about 30 seconds for the techs to pop upen an FTP program and upload the 4 missing .gif files to the proper directory (http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/)