Esprix's Name

What is the proper pronounciation of Esprix’s name?

We were discussing the 2004 Polycarp/Esprix ticket and I pronounced it “Ess-pree”. I heard someone else say “Es-pricks.”

Are either of these correct?

I think Esprix is the best person to answer this one, but if he did, as I think, get his handle from the French word for “spirit”, then it’s pronounced “ess-pree”.

If it were up to me, I’d probably pick the latter, but that was due to a misunderstanding between he and I about a year ago…

nealla, the correct pronunciation would be “es-pree,” as jovan suggested, modelled after the French word esprit. But thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Panzerfaust, I don’t even know who you are, but thanks all the same.


We have the definitive answer. So I’ll just close this.

DrMatrix - GQ Moderator