that is not something you see every day. i’m sure when the officers went home and told the story of how the day went, being squirted with mild straight from the cow was not topped.
I’m glad someone gave this thread a pity post.
Well, I found it udderly amusing.
I had not herd this news yet so thank you for mentioning it. I do like to keep abreast of farm animal news. I was mooved by the farmer’s plight.
We do not kowtow to passive aggressive whining!
[barnyard pun] <otherwise serious sounding sentence>.
Given the level of theatrics I’d say it was a cattle call of farmers auditioning for their 15 minutes of fame.
Now we’re just milking this one.
I just love the photograph at the beginning of the article. The is smirking for the camera, crouching down next to his cow with a devil-may-care nonchalance, and letting 'er fly. Meanwhile, the policeman uses his shield to protect himself from the Attack of the Airborne Squirt.
I may have to have it framed.
that wasn’t a pity post. that was a creative bump with misspelling to lure people in to see the nify picture of a man using a cow as a weapon against a police officer.
i love the picture and it cracks me up, i agree with malleus, incus, staples! suitable for framing.
Mentioning the pic in the title would have gotten my attention, for sure. The current one sounds more like a Fark headline, I’m afraid.